Dear Editor,
For many years now, a small number of goat owners have been allowed to let their goats roam free on the island. Despite the destruction the goats have caused on the island and to people’s personal property, the goat owners never pay for it. They are never held responsible.
Finally the other 95 per cent of the people on Saba are able to have a say now. A goat program has finally been put in place to get rid of the free-roaming goats. The time of the goat is over, The time has finally come where everyone can finally grow flowers and food in their gardens without worrying about having it destroyed by goats. People can finally plant fruit trees on the island without having to worry about them being destroyed by wild goats. It’s time for the island to move forward in agriculture.
While the free-roaming goat owners blame the government, this change is the decision of the people of Saba. There are some older politicians that still have the goat mentality. But finally, the majority rules. Out with the goats and in with home gardening and the beautification of our island. Majority rules.
Name withheld at author’s request.
This is hilarious! I am from the U.S and am reading about Saba for a school asignment. I love reading about the island and hope I can save up enough money to visit one day! I’m glad your goat problem is taken care of. 🙂
Just pick at date. For instance May, 1st. And every goat that’s walking free should be shot dead, and the owner will be punished with all costs, plus a fine of 1,000 dollars per goat.
If government does not act decisive, goat owners just continue to molest our properties and the island’s vegetation.
If government doesn’t do something people are going to kill these goats themselves. (Shortened by editor).
Just looked in Burgerlijk Wetboek BES. Owners of goats which damage goods can be prosecuted.
Also, and this is perhaps not known, if there is a patron of proof that the government did not do enough to prevent these goats walking around free and damaging goods of third persons, this government can be prosecuted as well. And even the different persons in control can be prosecuted personally.