Thursday , March 13 2025

Call for creditors following bankruptcy of company My Store in The Bottom

Recently the company My Store B.V. on Saba was declared bankrupt by the Court of First Instance. Ms C.M.P. van Hees was appointed trustee in bankruptcy. She makes the following announcement:

NOTIFICATION OF BANKRUPTCY & CALL FOR CREDITORS MY STORE B.V. On September 24, 2020, the Court of First Instance in Saba declared the company My Store B.V. bankrupt. Ms C.M.P. van Hees was appointed trustee in bankruptcy ( Mr. C.T.M. Luijks will act as supervisory judge. All creditors are hereby called upon to submit their claims (in writing and with reasons) for verification at the office of the trustee.

MEDEDELING VAN FAILLISSEMENT & OPROEPING CREDITEUREN MY STORE B.V. Op 24 september 2020 is door het Gerecht in Eerste Aanleg in Saba de vennootschap My Store B.V. in staat van faillissement verklaard. Als curator is benoemd mevrouw mr. C.M.P. van Hees ( De heer mr. C.T.M. Luijks treedt op als rechter-commissaris. Bij dezen worden alle crediteuren opgeroepen hun vorderingen (schriftelijk en gemotiveerd) ter verificatie ten kantore van de curator in te dienen.

Caroline van Hees LL.M.

Attorney at law

Mobile: + 1 721 554 4264
Office: +1 721 542 2291

C.A. Cannegieterstreet #26 | Philipsburg, Sint Maarten

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