Wednesday , March 12 2025

St. Maarten: 10 new confirmed COVID•19 cases

Ten per­sons have tested positive for COVID-19; however, a confirmed recovery of twelve persons reduces the total active cases to fifty.

The total number of the country’s confirmed cases is now 729.

Of the active cases, Col­lective Prevention Services (CPS) is currently moni­toring 47 persons who are in home isolation. Three patients remain hospital­ised at St. Maartcn Medical Center and the total num­ber of deaths due to CO­VID-19 remains at 22.

The number of persons re­covered since the first case surfaced on St. Maarten has increased to 657. There are 75 persons who are in quarantine based on con­tact-tracing investigations carried out by CPS of per­sons who may have been in contact with any of the ac­tive cases.

CPS has tested 1,124 trav­ellers who have arrived at Princess Juliana Interna­tional Airport (PHA) and 4,726 persons throughout the community.

CPS assures that as the numbers continue to fluc­tuate the department will continue to actively execute its contact-tracing mea­sures.

Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labor Richard Panneflek expressed his gratitude to all for playing their part by following the implemented guidelines.

“We will overcome this pandemic, but we must continue to wear our masks in public places, practise the two-metres social dis­tancing, sanitise and wash our hands frequently and refrain from mass gather­ings,” he concluded.

The Daily Herald.

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