Friday , September 20 2024

Saba News Archive: News Items

National Accounts Survey in Caribbean Netherlands

For the next months, Central Bureau for Statistics (CBS) will carry out the National Accounts Survey on production revenues and costs in the Caribbean Netherlands in 2016. The survey aims to show the economic development on Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba. All organisations that are economically active on Saba and …

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SEC warns of interruptions during solar park installation

Saba Electric Com­pany (SEC) NV has in­formed its customers that there is a possibility of island-wide interruptions in the supply of electricity during the two-week period between Monday, February 12, and Friday, February 23, as the company is in the process of finalising its first solar park installation. The final phase …

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CFT discusses hurricanes and budget during its visit to Saba

During its visit on Wednesday, Febnuary 7, Com­mittee for Financial Supervision (CFI) extensively discussed Hurricanes Irma and Maria and the consequences these had for Saba. The way in which Saba dealt with these storms as a community has made an im­pression, CFT stated. Further­more, it was concluded that the execution …

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Commissioner Franco understands Statians want to see real solutions

How can you improve the current situation on St. Eustatius? How can you fix this? According to newly-appointed Government Commissioner Marcolino “Mike” Franco, this is the first reaction he received from supporters and opponents of the intervention by the Dutch Government on St. Eustatius.   Franco (58) has officially started …

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CBS: Launch National Accounts Survey 2016 in Caribbean Netherlands

For the next months, Statistics Netherlands (CBS) will carry out a survey on production revenues and costs in the Caribbean Netherlands: the National Accounts Survey 2016. The survey aims to show the economic development on the three islands. The organisations on the islands will be approached by CBS to complete …

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UPC condemns Statia takeover

The United People’s Coalition (UPC) sees the takeover of government on St. Eustatius on the basis of the “Three Wise Men” report as “an unfortunate and heavy handed measure. “It must be clear that UPC sees this action as a sad day and a black page in Statia’s history. Some …

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Feedback from Knops visit to Statia

Yesterday, Esther Henry of Caribisch Netwerk followed the events on Statia. A group of Statians, who have opposed the Dutch intervention in their local government, organized a silent protest from the airport to the special town hall meeting with State Secretary Raymond Knops on Wednesday. “We want a fair and honest …

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Central Government commissioner St Eustatius appointed.

Today, state secretary Knops (Kingdom Relations) has appointed Marcolino (Mike) Franco as central government commissioner of St Eustatius. Knops appointed Mervyn Stegers as deputy commissioner. Last Tuesday, the House of Representatives and the Senate adopted a bill providing for an administrative intervention in St Eustatius (‘Statia’). The government commissioner will …

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Lions Club donates six tablets to elderly

The Saba Lions Club on February 5 donat­ed six tablets to the Love and Independence For El­ders (LIFE) programme and the Henry Carlyle Ev­ery Home for the Aged. The donation is the result of the combined efforts of corporate citizens, the Saba Lions Clubs and the Client Council of the …

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Parliament unanimously approves state intervention in St Eustatius

A law providing for administrative intervention in St Eustatius was adopted today by the House of Representatives and the Senate. On Wednesday morning the State Secretary for the Interior and Kingdom Relations, Raymond Knops, will fly to the island to explain the decision to government officials, the island council and …

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Direct intervention in Statia pure necessity, says Knops

The situ­ation of lawlessness, the mismanagement, both ad­ministratively and finan­cially, and the level of in­timidation that the current St. Eustatius Government has displayed is totally un­acceptable and required intervention by the Dutch Government, according to State Secretary of Home Affairs and Kingdom Rela­tions Raymond Knops. The Dutch Government submitted a …

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