Thursday , September 19 2024

Saba News Archive: News Items

Saba asks State Secretary to address urgent issues

Saba’s Executive Council is most willing to keep working on strengthening the ties with the Netherlands in the interest of the island’s residents, but there are a number of urgent matters that require State Secretary of Kingdom Relations Raymond Knops’ immediate attention. “Compliments and good working relations are not solving …

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Advice to suspend Saba 2018 loan repayments

The Committee for Financial Supervision CFT is advising a suspension of the repayments of the Dutch interest-free loans for Saba in 2018. It concerns an amount of US $440,000 which, in the opinion of the CFT, would put a strain on Saba’s cash position.  The 2018 draft budget of the public …

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Saba disappointed that relief takes longer than expected

During the first Central Committee meeting of Thursday, October 19, the first meeting since the passing of hurricanes Irma and Maria, Commissioner Bruce Zagers on behalf of the Executive Council up­dated the Committee and the public about the state of affairs concerning the re­construction efforts in Saba. “During these extreme …

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Constitution change for islands now a fact

The amendment to the Dutch Constitution to provide a constitutional basis for Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba and to establish an Electoral College has become a fact with the consent of the First Chamber of the Dutch Parliament on Tuesday. The Senate unanimously approved the legislation proposal to amend the …

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Quick fix for small pier in Fort Bay

The Public Entity Saba has deemed/considers the small pier to be structurally damaged. While plans are being finalized for the harbor master plan, a quick fix of this dock is in progress to facilitate our local fishermen, boats and the arrival of various cruise lines. The Commissioner with the responsibility …

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Saba recovering with Dutch pre-financing

The Government of Saba has re­ceived approval to start reconstruction works following Hurricanes Irma and Maria. An amount of US $500,000 is being made available as pre-financing. Preliminary es­timations set the damage in Saba at US $27 million. The Committee for Financial Supervision CFT ap­proved an amendment to Saba’s 2017 …

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Ollengren, Knops start as Minister, State Secretary

Minister of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations Ronald Plasterk relinquished his tasks on Thursday and transferred his portfolio to the new Minister Kajsa 0llongren and State Secretary Raymond Knops. During a short ceremony at the Ministry of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations, Plasterk (Labour Party PvdA) and 0llongren (Democratic Party D66) …

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Saba: Support from local government

In a recently held public Central Committee meeting, the Executive Council gave a detailed account of what has been done and ongoing before during and after the hurricanes Irma, Jose, and Maria. One of those things being, helping residents with the rebuilding of their damaged homes. The Public Entity Saba …

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Statia act. Gov. meets with residents to discuss rebuilding of homes

On Wednesday October 25th, the acting island Governor of St. Eustatius Mr. Julian Woodley and the Reconstruction Team, held their first round of meetings with homeowners who have suffered lost during the passage of hurricanes Irma and Maria. This first meeting targeted the 12 most urgent cases.  Homeowners were explained …

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DUO offers relief plan for ex-students

Residents of Saint Martin, Saba and Sint Eustatius are affected by the effects of hurricane Irma. The Education Executive Agency (Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs /DUO) understands that for ex-students on these islands it may be difficult now to pay their monthly installments. Therefore, DUO offers a relief plan for the upcoming …

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Foreign workers receive information during Anti-Human Trafficking Day

On October 18th, the Dutch Caribbean Police Force [KPCN], the Public Entity Bonaire and the Labour Inspection provided information to foreign nationals who are working in the Caribbean Netherlands. This information was provided in the context of the fight against human trafficking. Police officers and inspectors of the Public Entity …

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CBS: Purchasing power Saba up again in 2015

In 2015, the median purchasing power of Saba’s local population improved by 2.2 percent. This was the lowest increase since 2012, when measurement started. Both people in employment and benefit recipients saw a median increase of 2.2 percent. People up to the age of 40 saw the most substantial increase: …

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