Thursday , September 19 2024

Saba News Archive: News Items

ZVK flies 25 patients back to Statia, Saba

A special Insel Air charter flight flew 25 Health Insurance Office Caribbean Nether­lands ZVK medical patients to St. Eustatius on Wednes­day, October 4. These patients from Statia and Saba and their compan­ions were forced to stay in Curacao due to conditions in the aftermath of Hurricanes Irma and Maria. Eight …

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GDP increased in 2015 in Caribbean Netherlands

On all three islands of the Car­ibbean Netherlands, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) ex­panded in 2015. The highest growth rate was seen in Bo­naire with three per cent, rising to a total GDP value of US $415 million. On St. Eustatius, the GDP value increased by 2.1 per cent to $102 …

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Lions Club of Saba partners with Comprehensive School

The Saba Lions Club has partnered with lo­cal high school Saba Com­prehensive School (SCS) in getting students of Form 1 and Pro, to sign up for LEO Club-based activities. LEO stands for Leadership, Experience and Opportunity and LEO Club is an activity of the Lions Club. Director of Saba Compre­hensive School …

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Saba reefs incur limited damage after hurricanes

After the passage of hurricanes Irma and Ma­ria, staff of dive operators Saba Divers, Sea Saba and Explorer Ventures are as­sisting Saba Conservation Foundation (SCF) with the assessment and immediate restoration of impacted coral reefs in Saba and Saba Bank National Marine Parks. Their efforts are being sup­ported by Dutch …

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Winair starts commercial flights SXM-Saba on October 10

Winair would like to inform our customers that our anticipated start up of commercial operations on Friday October 6th has been postponed to Tuesday October 10th. Minister of Tourism & Economic Affairs Mellissa Arrindell-Doncher has announced this morning that SXM Airport will be open to accept commercial flights per October …

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Invitation to the Central Committee Meeting, October 19th

Public Notice The Central Committee of the Public Entity Saba will meet on Thursday October 19th, 2017 at 10:00 am at the Government Administration Building. The agenda for said meeting is: 1. Opening 2. Approval of the agenda 3. Approval of the Minutes from the Central Committee meeting on August …

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Executive Council of Saba gives post-hurricane update

The Executive Council is very pleased with the way that the businesses and residents have come together to rebuild Saba after a second category-five Hurricane passed its shores two weeks ago. “We were fortunate that the majority of the island sustained minimal dam­age from Hurricane Maria, but Fort Bay harbour was …

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First repairs Fort Bay Harbor to start this weekend

For the past weeks, the Public Entity has been in close contact with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment {I&M) with regards to restoration of the harbor after the passing of hurricanes Irma and Maria. I&M has been very helpful by making accessibility of Saba and especially the harbor one of their …

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CBS: GDP Caribbean Netherlands increased in 2015

On all three islands of the Caribbean Netherlands, gross domestic product (GDP) expanded in 2015. The highest growth rate was seen on Bonaire with 3.0 percent, rising to a total GDP value of 415 million US dollars. On St Eustatius, the GDP value rose by 2.1 percent to 102 million …

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GIS Saba : Community Update 2 – October 3rd

Two weeks ago a second category 5 hurricane passed our shores. We were fortunate that the majority of the island sustained minimal damage from Hurricane Maria, but the Fort Bay harbor was severely affected. While the community continues to be challenged by mother nature, Saba is proving that it is up for …

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Curaçao-SXM emergency flights and onward to Saba

As of Tuesday, emergency relief flights will be executed specifically for caregivers and freight from Curaçao to St. Maarten. The return flight will take patients and tourists who can demonstrate they have a reason to leave the country. Other travelers can access one of the flights to link the two …

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CCC Newsletter 10

This issue of our CCC Newsletter is late, for obvious reasons. As you will read, our team members had all written their usual updates in August. Jessica reports how she has contributed yet another article in her unrelenting quest to give the Dutch islands in the Northern Caribbean their fair …

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Omnibus survey to kick off in Bonaire

The Central Bureau of Statis­tics (CBS) will conduct the Omnibus survey in Bonaire during October and November. CBS interviewers will go to randomly selected persons to administer the ques­tionnaire. The survey will also be conducted in Saba and St. Eustatius starting January 2018. The Omnibus survey is a sample survey …

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