Friday , September 20 2024

Saba News Archive: News Items

Saba residents most positive about constitutional change

Saba is the most positive island in the Caribbean Netherlands about the changes following October 10, 2010, according to the results of an opinion survey held on all three islands by Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies KITLV. Between Bonaire (63 per cent), St. Eustatius (51 per …

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State Secretary Klijnsma listens to concerns of Saba

State Secretary of Social Affairs and Labour, Jetta Klijnsma, is visiting the Caribbean Netherlands this week. Her first stop is Saba where she held talks with the Executive Council, Island Council, employers in the private sector and important social partners on Monday. Both the Executive Council and private sector explained …

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State Secretary Social Affairs visits afterschool programme

State Secretary for Social Affairs, Jetta Klijnsma, paid a visit to the Saba Boys & Girls Scout Afterschool Programme on Monday afternoon. There she met with founder of the programme Mrs. Elka Charles, who gave an explanation about when the project was first started. She also explained about the challenges …

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Klijnsma meets participants Job Programme

On Monday State Secretary of Social Affairs and Labour, Jetta Klijnsma, met with Project Manager, Ginno Romero, to discuss the progress of the Job Programme during her visit to Saba. Romero is working on Saba since 2013 and has had approximately 25 participants in various Job Programmes. Klijnsma also spoke …

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RIVM assists BES islands to quickly diagnose zika infections

  De Telegraaf reports that the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) will assist the Dutch-Caribbean islands Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba, to determine possible infections with the Zika virus. This is  confirmed by prof. Dr. J T van Dissel, director of the RIVM Centre for …

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Mega D headed to Saba

Dion “Mega D” Humphreys, along with the children and adults connected to the Mega D Youth Foundation MYF, headed to Saba from St. Eustatius on Friday, from Charles A Woodley Pier on Dawn II, writes The Daily Herald. The trip is the launch party for the second motivation album titled …

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Cheque presented to Saba fire victim

A cheque was presented Thursday to Saba fire victim Lillian Leverock, who lost her home in a fire on November 18, 2015. The cheque was presented by Commander of the Caribbean Netherlands Fire Department of St. Eustatius Andre Bennett, accompanied by colleague firemen here on Saba at the Fire Station …

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Mega D Youth Foundation to launch its album on Saba

Mega D Youth Foundation MYF will be launching its motivation album “Incredible” on Saba with a weekend filled with activities on January 22 and 23. Foundation founder Dion “Mega D” Humphreys said the weekend, organised in collaboration with Child Focus and Centre for Youth and Family, will start Friday with …

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Saba girls envision their future during Sister Talk

Saba had its second Sister Talk, which consisted of three workshops led by Lysanne Charles-Arrindell. This weekend, Saba’s girls had the chance to envision their future. Participants in the workshops had to fill out a personal project plan, which gave them obtainable goals to strive to achieve. Charles is originally …

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LGBT documentary also screened on Saba

Members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community on Saba organized a screening of the new documentary “One Kingdom, One Love” Saturday at Eugenius Johnson Centre in Windwardside. The documentary tells several stories about LGBT people on and from the Dutch Caribbean islands and ties this in with …

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Commanders’ training Caribbean Netherlands Fire Department

On Monday January 11th, 2016 11 participants of the Caribbean Netherlands Fire Department (BKCN) started the commanders’ training. It regards 1 participant from Saba, 3 participants from Statia and 7 participants from Bonaire. The commanders’ training is an intensive training for people who manage the crew of the single spout …

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