Friday , September 20 2024

Saba News Archive: News Items

Breast Cancer Awareness Run by WMSA attracts 120

Saba’s Women’s Medical Student Association (WMSA), in conjunction with Body, Mind & Spirit (BMS), organised this year’s run for breast cancer awareness. The run started in Windwardside just after 6:00pm, ending in the Bottom at the medical school where snacks, water and an information session were available to all of …

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Eugenius Johnson Centre awarded by Oranjefonds

Eugenius Johnson Centre in Windwardside received recognition from Dutch charity foundation in support of social initiatives Oranjefonds last weekend in Curaçao. The Oranjefonds had called for community initiatives to share their accomplishments to qualify for the “Appeltjes van Oranje 2016,” a prestigious award that praises social initiatives from and by …

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Second Chamber accepts no delay to discuss evaluation

The Permanent Committee for Kingdom Relations of the Second Chamber of the Dutch Parliament is putting pressure on the Dutch Government to quickly give an official reaction to the report of the Caribbean Netherlands Evaluation Committee. Minister of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations Ronald Plasterk stated during the debate on …

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CBS: Tourism sector essential for employment in Caribbean Netherlands

Tourism accounts for a substantial part of employment on the islands of Caribbean Netherlands. On Bonaire and Saba, 20 percent of jobs are tourism-related, versus 12 percent on St Eustatius. In the rest of the Netherlands, tourism accounts for 8 percent of jobs. Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports that the government sector is by …

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Scrap Metal to be shipped off Saba

Over the next few days the Public Entity of Saba will be doing an island wide cleanup by removing car wrecks. These car wrecks, along with the metal stored at the landfill, will be shipped off island to a supplier abroad. The ship that will transport the metal is scheduled …

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Executive Council sees Evaluation report as opportunity

The Executive Council sees the recent evaluation report as an opportunity to improve some of the negative impacts that have been felt on the islands since the transition. On October 12th, Island Governor, Jonathan Johnson and Commissioner Chris Johnson were in The Hague and received the report from the Evaluation …

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CBS: More tourists on Bonaire and Saba

As reported by Statistics Netherlands, Bonaire received 5 percent more air passengers as tourists in the first half of 2015 than in the same period in 2014, Saba 4 percent. Tourism to St Eustatius did not increase. 5 percent more tourists to Bonaire In the first half of 2015, 68.8 …

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Island Council Statia to discuss Governor's position on Tuesday

The Ministry of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations has not lost its confidence in Island Governor of St. Eustatius Gerald Berkel, and will not grant the Executive Council’s request for his dismissal, Secretary-General Richard van Zwol informed the Council by letter of October 16. The Executive Council has announced it …

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Opinion: "Open letter to SCS students and parents" by Saba Guru

  Dear Editor, I like to address this opinion piece directly towards the students and parents of the Saba Comprehensive School. Since they are the most important stakeholders in this educational institute. Why specifically to them because many parents have asked me to write about the following items, and myself having …

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For those who missed it: Child Focus' Lion King

Stage production of the Lion King performed by the youth of Saba. Directed by Dahlia Hassell     The theater group of Child Focus Foundation’s extra curriculum activities presented The Lion King at the Eugenius Johnson Centre. Directed by Dahlia Hassell, scenes from the well-known musical were sung, danced and …

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CBS publishes “Trends in the Caribbean Netherlands 2015”

Many interesting facts are included in the new CBS publication: “Trends in the Caribbean Netherlands 2015” that is published today: “18% population growth in the Caribbean Netherlands since 2010” “14% decrease in import value in 2014 on St Eustatius” “58% of the population of Bonaire is born on one of …

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Saba and Statia begin Neonatal Heel Prick Test

As of this week, new-borns on Saba and Statia will be administered a new test. This test called a heel prick, tests for 17 rare, but possibly serious diseases. If these diseases are found in time, they can mostly be managed with medication or by altering the new-born’s diet. The …

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Progress in Emergency Response seen During Hurex

The progress in emergency response seen during this year’s Hurricane Exercises (Hurex) held last week on Saba was deemed as significant by participants in the annual disaster simulations which brings together the emergency services of the island and the Royal Dutch Marines. This year the marines consisted of a detachment …

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