Thursday , September 19 2024

Saba News Archive: News Items

Dutch primary schools will start foreign language teaching

Dutch primary schools will soon be able to conduct 15% of lessons in English, French or German in an effort to boost language skills, parliament agreed on Tuesday. Junior education minister Sander Dekker wants to extend the use of other languages following successful trials which show young children pick up …

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WIPM held victory parade

The Daily Herald writes that Windward Island People’s Movement (WIPM) held their victory parade and celebrations on Sunday. On Wednesday, March 18, WIPM had won the Saba elections with a three-to-two seat win from Saba Labour Party (SLP). At approximately 3:00pm, 70 cars and motorbikes, all with orange flags and …

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Official complaints about voting issues

The Daily Herald writes that the Prosecutor’s Office received an accusation of voting fraud on Tuesday, March 17, the day before the election. The official declaration was made by Enrico Klaber, number three SLP candidate, and was backed by the entire SLP party. The alleged accusation states that a bribe …

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Official results of elections presented

On Friday at 10:00am, the official vote results of the 2015 Saba Elections were presented by Governor Jonathan Johnson. The presentation was given in the courtroom of the government building. This writes The Daily Herald. The results are as follows: The Windward Island People’s Movement (WIPM) party 545 votes Saba …

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Dutch political landscape more divided than ever

With six political parties all winning between ten and sixteen per cent of the vote in the provincial elections in the Netherlands, the Dutch political landscape has never been so divided, writes The Daily Herald. The results of the vote, which saw the VVD remain the largest party, will also …

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Safety measures for volcano

Various safety measures have been taken to monitor the volcanic activity of Saba’s Mount Scenery and to deal effectively with a possible disaster. This writes The Daily Herald. A second and third seismic metre will be installed in June this year, as well as a Global Positioning System (GPS) later …

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CFT financial improvements at different paces for each island.

The Daily Herald writes that according to the second semi-annual report for 2014 of the Board of Financial Supervision CFT, the public entities develop themselves at different paces. At times Bonaire has difficulties with keeping the budgeting process in control; St. Eustatius struggles with internal procedures while Saba expects a …

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Islands’ delegation learns about vocational education

As part of the transition to English as the language of instruction on St. Eustatius, an educational delegation from the Caribbean Netherlands recently paid a two-day visit to the headquarters of National Council Technical Vocational Educational Training (NCTVET) in Kingston, Jamaica. This writes The Daily Herald. The visit was primarily …

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Elections in Holland: what the papers say

Dutch News reports that the ruling coalition in the Netherlands will be faced with the difficult task of putting together a new alliance to ensure controversial legislation gets passed in the senate following Wednesday’s provincial elections. With over 97% of the votes counted, the VVD and Labour are on course …

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SLP wins but WIPM still the largest

The Daily Herald wites that the streets of Saba turned orange and blue on Wednesday as the elections for 2015 finally took place. The Windward Island People’s Movement (WIPM) defeated the Saba Labour Party (SLP) with a preliminary voting count of 545 votes against 407 votes for the SLP. This …

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Update on Petition to relocated the "Solar Park"

The “Solar Park” petition has been emailed to the Executive and Island Councils Tuesday evening.  It contains 107 signatures. The Saba Merchants Association would like to stress that this is not a tactic to influence the elections as petition was started since February 13. The original text of the petition …

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Electoral Colleges proposal ready before summer

A proposal to establish Electoral Colleges for Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba will be ready before the summer of 2015, Dutch Minister of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations Ronald Plasterk told the Second Chamber of the Dutch Parliament on Tuesday. This reports The Daily Herald. A vast majority in the …

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Final meetings political parties at Topo Gigio

On Sunday a Monday the two political parties on Saba held their final meetings at Topo Gigio bar and restaurant, before Election Day. On Sunday evening, the candidates of the Windward Island People’s Movement (WIPM) party were showing their colours and held their speeches. On Monday evening, it was the Saba …

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SBA awarded Patrick Hassell

The Daily Herald writes that Saba Business Association (SBA) recently awarded Patrick Hassell with the Entrepreneur of the Year (EOTY) 2014 title. Hassell owns and manages “Patrick’s Auto Detailing” located on the outskirts of Windwardside. Wolfgang Tooten, president of the SBA, announced feeling proud to be able to award the …

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Opinion: political achievements.

Dear Editor, Apart from all propaganda and promises, it makes sense to look at achievements in the past also. This text is just an opinion but definitely also based on experiences and facts. Because actually only two Commissioners were really in power to perform and realise achievements, it is there …

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