Thursday , September 19 2024

Saba News Archive: News Items

Positive results in fourth quarterly report 2014

The Daily Herald writes that Public Entity Saba has been doing well financially in the last quarter of 2014 as it realised a surplus of US $894,000 which was more than the anticipated US $780,000. Saba closed off 2014 with a revenue position of some US $12.2 million while the …

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Some 150 persons attended WIPM public meeting

Some 150 people attended the first public meeting of the Windward Island People’s Movement (WIPM) on Thursday. This reports The Daily Herald. The meeting was held at the Zion’s Hill Community Centre. Master of Ceremonies was former senator of Saba, Ray Hassell. Hassell introduced all nine candidates with great enthusiasm …

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Second Chamber wants debate on islands’ Electoral College

It seems that Dutch Minister of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations Ronald Plasterk will be left little choice but to introduce a special Electoral College for the Caribbean Netherlands to safeguard the voting of both Dutch and foreign nationals on Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba. This writes The Daily Herald. …

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E-Team met OBNA

Members of the Economic Team of Saba met with Kenneth Lei of Development Bank Netherlands Antilles (Ontwikkelingsbank Nederlandse Antillen – OBNA) recently at the Government Administration Building. Accompanying Lei were members of the Small Business Stimulation Funds Saba, Hilton Hassell, Rose Zagers and Sonia Richardson. The purpose of the meeting …

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Saba featured in German diving magazine

A diving magazine of Germany called “Tauchen”, German for “Diving”, has recently written an article about Saba and reviewed the accommodations and activities on the island. Tauchen’s editor Michael Krüger has visited both Saba and St. Eustatius, as well as Dutch St. Maarten and French St. Martin. Krüger’s top three …

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Basic quality still lacking at islands’ secondary schools

Dutch State Secretary of Education, Culture and Science Sander Dekker is satisfied with the improvements made at primary schools in Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba, but he is less positive about the results of the secondary schools where he says the basic quality is still lacking. This writes The Daily …

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SLP meet & greet last Tuesday

The Daily Herald writes that the Saba Labour Party (SLP) held a meet and greet event on Tuesday evening at the Zion’s Hill Community Centre from 7:30pm until 10:30pm. Around 50 attendants gathered to witness the candidates of the SLP not only give a personal introduction but also answering questions …

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Accident near Windwardside – Update press release Police

The Daily Herald writes that three vehicles were involved in an accident Tuesday on the road between The Bottom and Windwardside in Saba. As a result of an alleged street race between two cars, a pick-up truck that exited Patrick’s Car Wash just outside Windwardside was hit by the two …

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WIPM Party to host its first meeting

The WIPM Party will be holding its first public meeting this Thursday March 5th in the in Zion’s Hill at the Zion’s Hill Community Center. During the meeting the nine candidates on the WIPM list will be giving their first public speeches. During their speeches the candidate will elaborate on …

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What & Who is Saba News and Who funds it?

In response to questions concerning Saba News we drafted the information below. Please contact the Editors if you need further information. What is is a transparent, independent website where information related to Saba is shared. The primary focus is on news articles and announcements relevant for Saba residents, …

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First Chamber persists on discussion about Electoral Collage

The Daily Herald writes that the special Electoral College (Kiescollege) for the Caribbean Netherlands to secure the voting rights of Dutch citizens in Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba for the First Chamber of the Dutch Parliament without any influence of foreign residents of the islands is still on the radar. …

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Election Information Campaign of RCN is in full swing

The information campaign for the Island Council elections is in full swing on Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba. Advertisements can be seen in newspapers and on TV, and heard on the radio. The campaign is active on the Internet and on Facebook. Residents of the Caribbean Netherlands also will receive …

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Saba Parks Manager confirms excellent state of Saba moorings

On February 27 we published a letter from Mr. LaFrance to “those responsible”  about the assumed unreliable state of Saba’s moorings. Saba Park Manager, Kai Wulf, has responded to Mr. LaFrances concerns by email. He has authorized us to publish this response on Saba News as well, so that the …

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