Friday , September 20 2024

Saba News Archive: News Items

Colombians raise funds to participate in Carnival

The local Colombian community held a fundraiser at Johan Cruijff Court in The Bottom on Sunday to collect money for Saba’s Carnival festivities, which will be held in August. This writes The Daily Herald. Saba University School of Medicine (SUSOM) and Child Focus helped organise the event consisting of several …

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Airtime for political parties in the Caribbean Netherlands

Earlier this week the Commissariaat voor de Media (The Dutch Media Authority; hereafter referred to as ‘CvdM’) sent a letter to the political parties in the Caribbean Netherlands (CN) which are participating in the Island Council elections of the public entities Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba, to inform them about …

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Helping people grow marijuana is about to become a Crime

Dutch News reports that the Dutch public prosecution department is to launch an offensive against companies and individuals who ‘facilitate’ marijuana production. The new opium law making it illegal to help people grow marijuana comes into effect on March 1, marking a further crackdown on the soft drugs market. The …

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2015 election program of the Saba Labour Party

The Saba Labour Party has recently published its program for the March 18, 2015 elections. The Manifesto of the Saba Labour Party can be downloaded here (400kB). The introduction reads: Saba, the Unspoiled Queen, is ready for a new government with new people. A government consisting of persons who are …

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Disputed math test will not be obligatory on Saba

Caribisch Netwerk reports that the disputed mathematics test that is obligatory in The Netherlands, Bonaire and Statia will not be introduced on Saba. This confirms the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW). From next year onwards, all high school students across The Netherlands will have to take the mathematics …

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Election Information Campaign Caribbean Netherlands starts

On Thursday, February 19th 2015, the campaign for the Island Council Elections 2015 officially started. Rijksdienst Caribisch Nederland (RCN) is responsible for the information campaign on behalf of the Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations. On Wednesday, March 18th, the elections will take place. Persons entitled to vote in …

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Dutch Caribbean at Shark Conservation Forum

The Daily Herald writes that Bahamas–Political Leaders, Government Representatives and Conservationists from the Dutch Caribbean attended a high-level Caribbean Shark Conservation Leadership Retreat in Bimini, Bahamas last week, where significant discussions were held regarding the conservation of Sharks and Rays and the protection of the Ocean Environment in the wider-Caribbean …

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Ecolodge starts fundraiser for preventing foreclosure

The Ecolodge on Saba has started fundraising to prevent foreclosure, which has been threatening the resort. This writes The Daily Herald. The Ecolodge advertises itself as a unique resort, consisting of small lodgings in the middle of the Saba rainforest. The resort was opened in 2002 and is currently facing …

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Saba Divers attend German Boat Fair 15th time

For the fifteenth time, Saba Divers, which is the dive operation formerly owned by Scout’s Place owners Barbara and Wolfgang Tooten, attended the world’s largest water sports fair “Boot” 2015 in Germany. This writes The Daily Herald. Each year, the show displays in a staggering 17 halls everything one can …

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Karel Frielink new FraudNet member

Attorney- at-law Karel Frielink has been appointed member of FraudNet for all six islands of the Dutch Antilles, writes The Daily Herald. FraudNet is a worldwide network of lawyers specialised in asset tracing and recovery. Founded in 2004 by the anti-crime branch of the International Chamber of Commerce, FraudNet currently …

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Cletus Johnson 40 years in the civil service

On March 1st 2015 Cletus Johnson will reach his 40th anniversary in the civil service with the Central Government of the former Netherlands Antilles and at this time the Royal Constabulary (Koninklijke Marechaussee KMar). In advance, the District Commander Central and Foreign units of the Royal Constabulary (KMar), Colonel, Ing. …

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State secretary Teeven listens to concerns of Saba

In meetings with various stakeholders on Tuesday including the Executive Council of the Public Entity of Saba, Probation Officer James Williams and Chief of Basic Police Care on Saba Durk Hiemstra, State Secretary of Security and Justice Fred Teeven listened to their concerns regarding to security and justice matters. Matters …

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