Thursday , September 19 2024

Saba News Archive: News Items

Saba Labour Party announces programme and list of candidates

The Daily Herald writes that Friday, the Saba Labour Party (SLP) announced its programme and list of candidates to the public at Topo Gigio’s bar and restaurant in the Bottom. The event started with the introduction of the board members, Joseph Louimaire, Kenneth Hassell, Pamela Meijvogel, Damaris Barnes, Eddie Peterson, …

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Chikungunya will have new peaks in the future

The chikungunya epidemic in the Dutch Caribbean has passed its peak point, but is expected to periodically return to the region in the coming years, probably in a smaller format, Dutch Minister of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations Ronald Plasterk informed the Second Chamber of the Dutch Parliament earlier this …

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Two new judges

As per January 1, the Court of First Instance welcomed two new judges: Mauritsz de Kort and Maria Paulides. With their arrival, the St. Maarten branch of the Joint Court of Justice of Aruba, Curaçao and St. Maarten and of Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba now has five judges. This …

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Social security in BES islands

The Caribisch Netwerk published an article discussion the social security situation on the BES islands. They claim that, even after the reductions of 1 January of the package benefits in the Netherlands, the residents of the Dutch municipalities in the Caribbean have fewer rights when it comes to social benefits. …

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CBS: Inflation Caribbean Netherlands down in fourth quarter 2014

Statistics Netherlands announced today that inflation has fallen on the three islands collectively referred to as Caribbean Netherlands. The rate on Bonaire fell from 1.5 to 0.9 percent in the fourth quarter of 2014, mainly as a result of price developments for clothes and petrol. On St Eustatius, the rate …

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UNESCO official charmed by intangible cultural heritage

During the second day of the UNESCO conference on Statia, the officials were charmed by the culture heritage presentation. Himalchuli Gurung, UNESCO Programme Specialist for culture in the Caribbean, is deeply impressed with the diversity of Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) on St. Eustatius. This writes The Daily Herald. During the …

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Crime figures 2014 released

On Wednesday, the official Saba crime figures for the year 2014 have been released during a press conference held at the recently constructed police station in the Bottom. This writes The Daily Herald. The figures were presented by head Commissioner of Police of the BES islands (Bonaire, St. Eustatius and …

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Caribbean waterbird census workshop held

Long-time volunteer and bird expert Binkie van Es joined Saba Bank Officer Dahlia Hassell and Saba Ranger Jelle van der Velde; and Statian Ranger Ambrosius van Zanten at a water bird workshop on Curaçao. Also present were bird specialists from Curaçao, Aruba and Bonaire who participated in a four-day workshop …

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Plasterk to visit islands

The Daily Herald writes that the Dutch Minister of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations Ronald Plasterk will visit the three Windward Islands from Sunday, January 18, to Wednesday January 21. The minister travels to St. Maarten this Sunday, Plasterk’s spokesman confirmed on Wednesday. He will visit St. Eustatius and Saba …

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Child Focus & FPCA supported by Honour Society SUSOM

During Friday’s White Coat Ceremony at Saba University School of Medicine (SUSOM), President of the Honour Society, Karen Peng, presented monetary donations to Child Focus Foundation and Foundation for Protection and Cruelty against Animals FPCA. This reports the Daily Herald. Child Focus project leader Stacey Simmons and veterinary assistant Cassandra …

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Building of recycling plant will start

Experts will be flown into Saba next week to start construction of the new recycling plant located at the landfill “dump” at the end of Fort Bay. This writes The Daily Herald. The foundation for the plant is already in place and two prefab buildings will be constructed this week. …

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International recognition for protected areas and species

Nature conservation in the Dutch Caribbean took a lap toward a more sustainable future with Saba National MarinePark, the Man O’ War Shoal Marine Park in St. Maarten and St. Eustatius National Marine Park now officially recognised as protected areas under the protocol concerning Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife (SPAW), …

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Saba & Statia at Vacation Fair without St Maarten

In the absence of St. Maarten from the annual Vacation Fair in Utrecht this week, the promotion of the Windward Islands is left up to St. Eustatius and Saba. This writes The Daily Herald. St. Maartener Marlon Beauperthuy of Le Beau Reizen at the United States pavilion is helping out …

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Commissioner Zagers: “Landfill fire not intentional”

Commissioner Bruce Zagers said the recent fire at the Saba landfill was not lit by a government department or by the landfill contractor. This writes The Daily Herald. The fire ignited because there are still areas around the landfill that retain heat from the previous fires some weeks ago. Measures …

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