Thursday , September 19 2024

Saba News Archive: News Items

Teacher’s workshop held last Monday

The Daily Herald writes that a teacher’s workshop was held Monday at Eugenius Johnson Centre in Windwardside. The workshop was named “The Teacher makes the Difference” and was presented by guest speaker Ludo Heylen from Belgium. This event was organised by Expertise Centre Education Care EC2 and sponsored by Saba …

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Dutch more optimistic about 2015

The Daily Herald writes that more than seven in ten Dutch people are optimistic about 2015 and expect the economy to remain stable or improve, according to research by the government’s socio-cultural think tank SCP. Just 18 months ago, only 47 per cent of Dutch had confidence in the economy, …

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Many questions at last Council meeting

The Daily Herald writes that the third and last budget amendment meeting for 2014 was held on Thursday, December 18, at the Public Central Committee Meeting at the Government Building in The Bottom. As for the two previous amendments for 2014, there have not been any policy changes. Councillor Carl …

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Contract for new parking lot signed

Commissioner of Finance and Planning, Bruce Zagers recently signed a contract for the construction of a new parking lot in Windwardside. This writes The Daily Herald. The contract was signed with contractor Saba Roads, whose Managing Director Janhendrik Boekhaar completed the signing. Also present was Head of Planning, Robert Zagers …

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Wilders tried to claim legal fees as expenses

The Daily Herald writes that the controversial anti-Islam politician Geert Wilders tried to claim between 500,000 and 600,000 euros last year as parliamentary expenses for legal fees incurred during a trial for inciting hatred, the Volkskrant newspaper reported on Saturday. Sources told the paper that Wilders’ claim was rejected after …

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Annual Year End Fireworks Display

The public of Saba is invited to view what will definitely be a spectacular fireworks show, when the skies over Hell’s Gate are lit up during the Annual End of Year Grand Fireworks Display. The pyrotechnic extravaganza will take place Monday, December 29 at 7:00 pm, at Cove Bay, allowing …

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King Willem-Alexander: “The Netherlands is more than 17 million selfies”

King Willem-Alexander made a plea for tolerance while emphasising the fact that everyone is different in his televised Christmas address to the nation. ‘Unity without diversity is suffocating,’ the kind said. ‘Diversity without unity is grains of sand. The Netherlands is more than 17 million selfies.’ Willem-Alexander also spoke about …

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High costs affect Caribbean share of tourism market

A study examining what is driving the tourism flows in the Caribbean has found that the region’s share of the global tourism market is declining. This writes The Daily Herald. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) Working Paper titled “Revisiting Tourism Flows to the Caribbean: What is Driving Arrivals,” finds that …

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Scout’s Place elects employee of the year

For the fourteenth consecutive year, Scout’s Place hosted its staff Christmas party. This reports The Daily Herald. The event took place at the hotel, bar and restaurant itself, with the restaurant being closed during the celebration to honour all staff with presents, entertainment and a rich buffet. Scout’s new chef …

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Island Council approved third quarter budget amendment

The Daily Herald writes that the Island Council of the Public Entity of Saba met on Friday, December 22, to approve the third quarter budget amendment. In attendance at the meeting were Island Council Members Rolando Wilson, Carl Buncamper, Amelia Nicholson, Eviton Heyliger and Ishmael Levenston. The meeting was chaired …

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CBS about multi-lingualism

Statistics Netherlands: Papiamento most-spoken language on Bonaire, English on Saba and St Eustatius According to figures released by Statistics Netherlands this week, most people on Bonaire speak Papiamento. On St Eustatius and Saba most people have English as first language. Only a small number of people have Dutch as a first …

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Season gifts for Old Age Home

Recently, Saba Day was celebrated with many different activities around the island, writes The Daily Herald. One of these activities was the famous Wahoo Tournament on Fort Bay. The Captain’s Briefing for this tournament was held on Friday evening, where a raffle took place and prizes could be won. Saba …

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Court of Appeals: “No Equal pensions for Caribbean Netherlands”

The Daily Herald writes that pensions for residents of Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba may differ from pensions in the European Netherlands, the Joint Court has stated in the appeal case of three residents of the islands against the Minister of Social Affairs and Employment. According to the three appellants, …

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Cabinet threatens to bypass senate

Cabinet threatens to bypass senate if revised health reforms not backed The ruling VVD and Labour parties have reached a compromise deal to amend controversial health insurance reforms which were rejected by Labour senators earlier this week. The new look bill will be debated again in both houses of parliament …

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