Thursday , September 19 2024

Saba News Archive: News Items

Tourism in the Caribbean Netherlands 2012-2014

Just under 150 thousand tourists flew to the Caribbean Netherlands in 2012. In 2013 this was slightly more: around 152 thousand. This number includes both holidaymakers and business visitors. In the first half of 2014, 77 thousand tourists arrived at the airports of the Caribbean Netherlands. Most of the tourists …

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Reaction to Statia referendum asked for

The Permanent Committee for Kingdom Relations of the Second Chamber of the Dutch Parliament wants the Dutch government’s reaction to the results of the referendum in St. Eustatius. This writes The Daily Herald. The committee agreed on Thursday with a proposal of Member of the Second Chamber Ronald van Raak …

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Plea to tackle Chikungunya

The Permanent Committee for Kingdom Relations of the Second Chamber of the Dutch Parliament wants to know how the Dutch Government intends to tackle the Chikungunya illness in Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba, writes The Daily Herald. The committee approved a request of Member of the Second Chamber Roelof van …

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Call for action to improve children’s rights

The Second Chamber of the Dutch Parliament wants the governments in the Kingdom to get moving with concrete projects to improve children’s rights in the Dutch Caribbean. Three parties, the liberal democratic VVD party, the Labour Party PvdA and the Democratic Party D66, made use of the opportunity to submit …

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Customs outlines November confiscations

The Daily Herald writes that the Dutch Caribbean Customs intercepted cocaine, cannabis, liquid assets, spirits and cigarettes in November. In a press release, the organisation gave an outline of its successes over the last month. The press release explains how the department executed a number of catches. Customs officers managed …

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Projects to combat poverty

Dutch State Secretary of Social Affairs and Employment Jetta Klijnsma earlier this week released an overview of the projects to help combat poverty in Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba. This writes The Daily Herald. Twelve projects for St. Eustatius and eight for Saba. The projects that are approved for St. …

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Insufficient voters referendum Statia

The Daily Herald writes that the referendum held on St. Eustatius on Wednesday, December 17, to determine the future of the island drew insufficient voters to make the results binding. Of the 2,546 people eligible to vote, only 1,156 showed up, amounting to just over 45 per cent. At least …

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Health reforms cause political crises

The Dutch cabinet crises caused by the decision of three Labour senators to torpedo key health reforms, continued on Wednesday with no sign of a solution in sight. According to the Volkskrant, VVD Health Minister Edit Schippers has told the Labour party to come up with a way out of …

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Christmas tree lighted

The annual lighting of the Christmas tree took place at Eugenius Johnson Centre in Windwardside on Saturday. A great number of attendants were present at the event, which started with a children’s performance of “A Charlie Brown Christ- mas.” This reports The Daily Herald. Charlie Brown Christmas originally is an …

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Figures 2013 of all BES-islands available

All figures about 2013 of each island have been published by CBS. For Saba for instance on the following pages Saba 45 Education 47 Energy 47 Health and welfare 49 Household amenities International trade 54 Labour 55 Population 58 Prices 63 Security and justice 66 Social security 70 Traffic, transport …

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High Court sets limits to speech freedom of politicians

A new ruling by the Dutch High Court sets limits on freedom of speech for politicians and has implications for the case against anti-Islam campaigner Geert Wilders. This writes The Daily Herald. The Prosecutor’s Office is soon to take a decision on whether or not to press ahead with prosecuting …

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Haviser says that mango tree poses no risk

The cutting down of the mango tree in front of A.M. Edwards Medical Centre in The Bottom was prevented at the last moment by concerned citizens, who believed the tree was part of the cultural heritage, and those who simply did not see the need to dispose of the tree. …

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“We need to advance together in Kingdom”

The Daily Herald writes that members of the Second Chamber wrote: “We should not get rid of the Caribbean part of our Kingdom, but realise advancement together. That is the best way to serve the people and increase bearing surface for the Kingdom. That demands a lot of politicians, on …

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Request to defer tax increase

The governments of St. Eustatius and Saba formally requested a postponement of the planned increase of the general sales tax ABB during a meeting with the Ministry of Finance in The Hague last week. This writes The daily Herald. Commissioners of Constitutional Affairs Reginald Zaandam of St. Eustatius and Chris …

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