Thursday , September 19 2024

Saba News Archive: News Items

Vernissage exhibition Els Mommers

Last Saturday was the vernissage of a new exhibition of work made by Els Mommers. Instead of writing an article about this event, you can see an amateur video made by René Caderius van Veen by a click on this LINK 

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Islands’ separate tax figures to be supplied only one time

The Daily Herald writes that the Dutch Government has promised to supply the separate tax and premium revenues generated on Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba, but only one time. The figures will be released early next year, which is too late to comply with Statia’s request to do so before …

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Expert called in to monitor safety risks of mango tree

Commissioner of Health Bruce Zagers, Director of Saba Health Care Foundation (SHCF) Dr. Joka Blaauboer and Kai Wulf and James Johnson of Saba Conservation Foundation (SCF) met Friday to discuss the planned cutting of a mango tree near A.M. Edwards Medical Centre. During the meeting, Blaauboer explained her reasoning about …

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Shark migration study yielding first results

Saba is well-known for its rich marine life and many researchers have come in the past to investigate and publish their findings, writes The Daily Herald. The latest researcher who set foot on Saba is Dion Vink, who is studying Marine Biology at Van Hall Larenstein Higher Vocational Education in …

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No Capital loans for BES-islands

Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba, public entities of the Netherlands, will not be able to get loans to finance investments in, for example, the infrastructure on short term. This writes The Daily Herald. Dutch Minister of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations Ronald Plasterk said this during a general debate with …

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Evaluation Committee informed island commissioners about next step

The Daily Herald writes that the Caribbean Netherlands Evaluation Committee on Friday informed representatives of the governments of Bonaire, St. Eustatius, Saba and the Netherlands, the principals in this exercise, how it will go about the research for the 2015 constitutional evaluation. Commissioners Reginald Zaandam of St. Eustatius, Chris Johnson …

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Chances for a job after MBO in the Netherlands

Youngsters in the Netherlands who complete a trade school (mbo) diploma will have a slightly better chance of finding work in years to come than those with a university or hbo college degree, according to a new guide to vocational training. The guide states that teenagers who have mbo stage …

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Square Art Gallery opens first exhibition

The Daily Herald writes that the recently renamed art gallery, “Five Square Art Gallery” on Saba, will start off its first exhibition of the season this Saturday. Renowned local artist Els Mommers will be opening her exhibition called “Splendour of the Caribbe-an” at the formerly known Peanut Gallery at 5:00 …

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Structured notary service for Saba and Statia

The Daily Herald writes that from January 2015, there will once again be structural legal notary services on Saba and St. Eustatius. The services became irregular almost two years ago, following the retirement of Notary Steeman, who serviced both islands for more than 25 years. The Ministry of Safety and …

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Representants from BES-islands in The Hague

Commissioner  Johnson and others from the BES-islands are in The Netherlands for the launch of Evaluation Committee. Commissioner  Chris Johnson is in The Netherlands to attend the official launch of the Evaluation Committee. The Evaluation Committee will kick off their work which is expected to be completed by the 10th …

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Saba Day celebrated in The Netherlands

Caribisch Netwerk reports that Saba Day was celebrated in exuberant manner in the Netherlands. It was singing the national anthem, eating pie and, after years again, seeing old familiar faces from Saba It is the first time that a public celebration for the Saban community has been held in the …

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Tax office to close cashier department

Tax Office Caribbean Netherlands will be closing its cashier departments as of January 1, 2015. As of that date, payments will no longer be accepted at the Tax Offices on Saba and St. Eustatius. Payments can be done through the banks on the islands using online banking or through deposits …

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Saba Day festivities all weekend

The Daily Herald describes that Saba Day festivities, which started with the official celebration on Friday, continued over the weekend with several events. There were two more soft- ball games played between the Saba Soldiers and the St. Maarten Controllers. On Sunday, there were also two soccer matches arranged by …

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FRISC marines joined Saba Day

On Friday, December 5, the Netherlands Royal Marines made good use of their two Fast Raiding Intercepting Special Forces Craft (FRISC) when they joined the people of Saba in celebrating Saba Day. This writes The Daily Herald It was an early rise for the six Marines, including Commander of the …

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Court lifts lien on Lockie Johnson

The Daily Herald reports today that the Court of First Instance in St. Maarten on Friday ordered University of St. Eustatius School of Medicine (USESOM) in Cole Bay to lift liens placed on the liquid assets of its former employee Lockie Jayne Johnson-McGehee. The medical school had put a lien …

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