Friday , September 20 2024

Saba News Archive: News Items

Immigrants on Bonaire fear for their future

Caribisch Netwerk reports today that many Latin American immigrants in Bonaire fear for their jobs. When they need to renew their work permit, priority will be given to locals. From February 1, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment (SZW) will strictly apply the law that calls for a labor …

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RBC Wealth Management out of Caribbean markets

The Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) is now the latest Canadian bank to cut its losses in the Caribbean, following a decision to close its Caribbean wealth management divisions and several international advisory businesses in North America.The move follows RBC’s sale of its Jamaican operations earlier this year and an …

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Lockie Johnson want the medical school lien off table

The Daily Herald reports today that the Court of First Instance is to decide next month in a conflict between Lockie Jayne Johnson-McGehee and University of St. Eustatius School of Medicine (USESOM) in Cole Bay, which put a lien on Johnson’s liquid assets. Johnson and her husband, in their turn, …

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El Momo shop and Peanut gallery receive new names.

The Daily Herald reports that the new names of El Momo Folk Art Shop and Peanut Gallery at the centre of Windwardside were unveiled on Saturday at 5:00pm. A good number of attendants were present to hear Gerard “Gersh” Geenty’s speech, after which two new signs were shown carrying the …

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Stress at work should be employers’ headache

Why should workers come up with solutions for workplace stress-related problems? It’s up to the employers to act, and a time management course won’t do the trick, say psychology professors Michiel Kompier and Sabine Geurts. Last week, home affairs minister Lodewijk Asscher proclaimed a workplace stress week, and not for …

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Saba’s voice heard on Child Rights conference in Leiden

In cooperation with UNICEF, the University of Leiden  held a one week conference to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. Experts from all over the world came together to discuss different issues that affect today’s children life, such as poverty, child abuse/molestation and …

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National Ombudsman helped citizen when Government did not respond

The National Ombudsman of the Netherlands has investigated a complaint about the way Bonaire island authority (OLB) handled a compensation claim. This is the first report to be published concerning this authority. The complaint was lodged by a man who had claimed compensation for vehicle damage caused by a pothole. …

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Plans for a Free Diving School

The Daily Herald writes that Free diving is becoming more popular, and chances are Saba will be- come the new free-diving hotspot in the Caribbean. Luis Fonseca, a licensed scuba and free-diving instructor for thirty years, wants to start a free-diving school on Saba. Fonseca was born in Caracas, Venezuela, …

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Senate postpones handling of island’s electoral law proposal

The Daily herald reports that the First Chamber of the Dutch Parliament has suspended the handling of the proposal to adapt the Caribbean Netherlands electoral law, which regulates that only persons of the Dutch nationality have active and passive voting rights for the Island Councils of Bonaire, St. Eustatius and …

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Plans for airport renovation in final stage of preparation

The Daily Herald announced today that the airports on all three BES islands, Bonaire, Statia and Saba, will be the subject of a thorough renovation starting in 2015. Yesterday a team of engineers, specialists and project managers from the Netherlands visited Saba to meet with local contractors and with Island …

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Lions help seniors making exiting christmas cards

On Saturday, November 15th the Lions Club organised the first class for making greeting cards was held at the Eugenius Johnson Center in Windwardside . Lions Club President Paula Mayers greeted the participants, and volunteers from the Saba Lions Club and the community were there to assist everyone attending the …

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Children’s Rights Task Force presents first plan

The Daily Herald writes that the Kingdom Task Force for Children’s Rights presented its plan of approach to improve children’s rights in the Dutch Caribbean on Thursday. The plan was released at the Children’s Rights Summit in Leiden and has been sent to the Dutch Parliament. Meanwhile, St. Maarten is …

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