Friday , September 20 2024

Saba News Archive: News Items

SBA asks attention for the economic issues on Saba

Caribisch Netwerk reports that the Secretary-General of the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, Richard van Zwol and Secretary General of Finance, Manon Leijten, are making a working visit to Saba for an assessment of the economy on the island. The president of the Saba Business Association (SBA), Wolfgang …

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75% of HBO college students warned about job prospects

Dutch News reports that almost three out of four students attending an hbo college (hogeschool) are taking courses which offer poor job prospects and almost half should have little expectation of finding a related job, according to a new report on college education. The college guide was drawn up by …

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Organizations came together for island-wide cleanup

On Friday October 3rd, an Island Wide clean-up campaign on Saba was organized by the Tourism and Public Works Department of The Public Entity Saba. The clean-up was a held just ahead of the start of the tourist season with the intention to make the public aware that they also …

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Report states: Dutch government interferes in education too often

Schools in The Netherlands have been left out of the decision-making process when it comes to education policy reforms according to Finance minister Jeroen Dijsselbloem’s 2008 commission. The government is too influential in educational affairs. This comes from a report from the Education Council, De Volkskrant reports.  At the time, Dijsselbloem argued …

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Government to link registers to catch tax, social security cheats

The site Dutch News reports that the European Commission has been asked to comment on a Dutch government decision to link a wide variety of official registers in an effort to profile potential social security and tax cheats. The technique, known as the Systeem Risico Indicatie (SyRI) derives from security …

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Commissioner Zagers Presents 2015 Budget.

Commissioner of Finance, Bruce Zagers, presented the multi-year budget 2015-2018 to the Central Committee on October 1st. The total amount for the draft budget for 2015 is $10,420,850. Of this amount $939,500 is local revenue and the remainder comes from the vrije uitkering or the free allowance. Local revenue represents …

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Prof. Saleh advises Statia to keep referendum after evaluation

Statia News reported that in a well attended town hall meeting in Statia former Governor of the Netherlands Antilles, Prof. Jaime Saleh, a scholar in constitutional law, shared with his audience his views on the current constitutional status of Statia. He said that, although he agreed with many of the …

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Dutch food policy needs rethink on dairy and meat

Dutch News reports that the government needs to intervene to ensure people eat less meat, salt, sugar and fat, according to the influential scientific council for government policy (WRR) in a new report. The WRR advises the government on ‘future developments of great public interest’ and focuses on sustainable food …

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No constitutional referendum on Bonaire before elections

The Daily Herald writes today that there will be no new constitutional referendum in Bonaire for now, at least not on December 10 as proposed by the opposition parties and also not before the Island Council election of March 2015. A motion presented by the PDB and MLB fractions was …

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Majority in Dutch Parliament wants Heyliger investigated

The Daily Herald writes today that a majority in the Second Chamber of the Dutch Parliament backs the call of Members of Parliament (MPs) Ronald van Raak of the Socialist Party (SP) and André Bosman of the liberal democratic VVD party to launch a criminal investigation against United People’s (UP) …

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Political party gifts obligatory made public

Political parties have been required by law to publish their gifts of over €4,500 since last year. They must also report debts of over €25,000. The SP’s leading position stems from the fact that paid officials have to hand over part of their income to party coffers. Former SP MP …

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Police makes more arrests on Saba

On Wednesday, October 1st , police arrested a 20 year old man with the initials J.L.F. for an assault which had taken place on Sunday evening at a dance bar in The Bottom. The suspect was taken into custody for further investigation. The police has also made ​​another arrest on …

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Island wide cleanup on October 3rd

On Friday October 3rd,   an Island Wide clean-up campaign is being organized by The Public Entity Saba.  All Government employees are being given the opportunity to participate and we would like to include all interested Foundations, businesses and individuals to pitch-in as well. The meeting place will be at the Public …

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Conference addresses issues for improving study results

Which measures and facilities are needed to enable more students from the former Netherlands Antilles to successfully finish their studies broad? This was the central question during the conference “Studying abroad” on September 29 and 30 in Kralendijk, Bonaire. Participants included, besides the study counselors of the islands, representatives of …

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