Friday , September 20 2024

Saba News Archive: News Items

Parliament urged to handle voting right now

The Daily Herald writes that the Dutch Minister of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations Ronald Plasterk has implored on the Second Chamber of the Dutch Parliament to proceed with the handling of the law proposal to regulate the voting rights of non-Dutch residents on Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba. The …

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Second Chamber calls for intervention in St Maarten

The Daily Herald writes that the Dutch media reported on Monday that there is majority support in the Second Chamber of the Dutch Parliament for intervention through a large criminal investigation of “St. Maarten’s corrupt government.” Dutch politicians are especially worried now that the United People’s (UP) party of Theo …

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USC competition was a great success also for All Stars

Basketball teams and volleyball teams from mainly St. Maarten, but also from Aruba, St. Eustatius, Saba and the Netherlands participated in this highly successful event that drew several hundred students and young professionals from the islands to Oranje Sports Hall. This reports The Daily Herald. Some 85 basketball players, divided …

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Police made arrests related to Fort Bay incident

The police made ​​two arrests on Monday, September 29th, in the morning in an investigation regarding public violence and abuse, which took place in the Fort Bay Harbor of Saba on Sunday night, September 21st  2014 around 7.00 P.M. Two men, the 26-year-old, A.A.R.J. and the 23-year-old R.R.J.J., were arrested …

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Saba Reach Students graduate at third Banana Salsa Party

The Daily Herald writes that Saba Reach Foundation (SRF) held its third annual Banana Salsa Party at Eugenius Johnson Centre on Wednesday, September 24. Every year, the foundation hosts this event to highlight a specific theme and bring the community together in celebration of its initiatives. Wednesday’s event started with …

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Draft budget 2015 shows positive balance

The 2015 draft budget Saba, approved by the College Financial Supervision CFT, shows a positive balance of US $807,000, which will mainly be used to repay interest-free loans of the Netherlands. This writes The Daily Herald. The CFT concluded that the draft 2015 budget, which shows a revenue total of …

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Second Chamber tells Plasterk to look at island’s Electoral College

The Daily Herald writes that the Second Chamber of the Dutch Parliament, on Wednesday, requested Minister of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations Ronald Plasterk to research the possibilities of establishing an Electoral College for the Caribbean Netherlands to elect members of the First Chamber, the Senate, as well as a …

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Police made arrests and is looking for witnesses (update)

Arrests The Police Force Caribbean Netherlands recently made two arrests in unrelated cases, a press release stated. Both arrests were made in The Bottom. A man with the initials E.L.M. was held for an offence of trespassing and attempted burglary on Monday, September 22, around 3:30pm. The suspect and the victim …

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Second Chamber decided to start investigation in “Kiescollege”.

Today the Second Chamber decided that Minister Plasterk has to investigate the possiblilities for a “Electoral College” for the islands Bonaire, St Eustatius and Saba. The Second Chamber wants that the inhabitants of the islands get the same influence by voting for the parliament as the inhabitants of the continental part of …

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Working visit of Kingdom Representative

New Kingdom Representative for Saba, St. Eustatius and Bonaire Gilbert Isabella has paid his first working visit to Saba since he recently took office on September 1. This writes The Daily Herald. He arrived September 14 and paid visits to the Kingdom Department for the Dutch Caribbean (RCN) Departments; Customs, …

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Koos Sneek PUM-representative

The Daily Herald writes that Country coordinator for the Caribbean Netherlands for PUM Netherlands Senior Experts Marja Hendriksen recently visited St. Eustatius and Saba. PUM, a Dutch agency with a data base of more than 3,000 volunteer experts, has as its goal to connect entrepreneurs in developing countries and emerging …

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Kingdom representative Isabella meets with Saban students

The blog Caribbean Netwerk reports that this week, Kingdom Representative Gilbert Isabella was again on Saba. During his visit, he focused on the needs of the youth. One of the challenges the young people of Saba are facing is the transition from the English secondary school to follow a study …

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