Thursday , September 19 2024

Saba News Archive: News Items

ROA aims for better job training

The Daily Herald writes that during an intensive work visit August 18-20, the Council Education Labour Market ROA and the Foundation Cooperation Vocational Education Business Community SBB thoroughly discussed the introduction of revised qualification files within the Caribbean Netherlands and took the first steps towards closer cooperation. Secondary vocational education …

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De Vlught is new primary school coach for Saba and Statia

The Daily Herald announces that longstanding primary school coach Nienka Deelstra has completed her term in St. Eustatius, and will be succeeded by Johannes de Vlugt, who will act as primary school coach both in Saba and Statia over the next two years. A plaque of appreciation was presented to …

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Stereotypes of Holland

A guide to Dutch stereotypes – in English and drawn up by a Dutchman – is proving a big internet draw even though designer VictorVan says himself ‘this is no hard science (or whatever form of science, for that matter). The map covers the entire European Netherlands, listing, for example …

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New Facility Sea Saba in Fort Bay opened

Sea Saba proudly opened its new Fort Bay facility on Friday, August 22, 2014.  The Saba Government owns the complex which has fisherman units on the first level along with two reverse osmosis facilities and 2 dive shops as tenants. Sea Saba chose two units on the 2nd level in …

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Letter of Non-Confidence in Saba Educational Foundation Board

This morning, August 27 2014 at 9:00 am at the RCN-building parents transferred a letter to Hans Kuilder, representant of the Dutch Ministry of Education a letter, signed by at least 100 other parents. In this letter the parents made a clear statement that they had no confidence anymore in the …

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Commissioners search a new Island Secretary in The Netherlands

Commissioner Bruce Zagers and Chris Johnson, are in TheNetherlands this week for interviews with potential candidates for the position of the Island Secretary. The position has been open since current Island Secretary, Menno van der Velde took up the position as Senior Policy Advisor. Marva Donker, Head of Personnel Affairs …

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Update: Dutch Education Council will visit Saba August 26-28

On their Facebook site the SCS made the following announcement: Please be informed that the parent meeting with the VO-Raad has been rescheduled. Instead of Wednesday 12:00 – 13:00, the VO-Raad will meet you on TUESDAY from 13:00 – 15:00. ——————— The SCS has published on their Facebook site a …

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Attorney General on enlightening visit

Attorney-General Guus Schram paid a brief visit to Saba this week, writes The Daily Herald. He met with Island Governor Jonathan Johnson and Chief Basic Police Care Durk Hiemstra. Schram is Attorney-General of Aruba, Curacao, St. Maarten and Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba. His enlightening visit was described as”very informative …

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Island Guide Bonaire, Saba, Statia

Rijksoverheid Caribisch Nederland, RCN, proudly presents you the Island Guide Caribbean Netherlands. This is the first time that an information booklet has been published about all the three islands: Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba. This Island Guide provides you with information about local authorities and the central government of the …

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Rocky start of SCS school year and still questions

Even with new Director Anton Hermans in place for the start of the 2014/2015 school year, things still got off to another rocky start on Monday with several teachers not on the island and many parents unhappy with Monday’s open house. This writes The Daily Herald. The parents will have …

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Family Fun and Resource Day

The Daily Herald writes that Saba Centre for Youth and Families of the Rijksdienst Caribisch Nederland (RCN) held its first Family Fun and Resource Day on Sunday at Johan Cruiff Sports Field in The Bottom. The event drew a significant number of families and community organisations to help educate the …

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Anton Hermans, new director SCS

On their Facebook page, the SCS presents their new director. It reads “Meet Anton Hermans, our new director. The future of each student is most important and he believes we can help them reach their full potential together with the parents. He also says he is open and has a …

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Gilbert Isabella on Saba

Incoming Kingdom Representative Gilbert Isabella met with the Executive Council of the Public Entity of Saba. The new Kingdom Representative is on his introductory visit to the island. During the meeting Executive Council and the Kingdom Representative had the opportunity to exchange ideas. Tomorrow the Executive Council along with the delegation …

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