Thursday , September 19 2024

Saba News Archive: News Items

Chris Johnson Statement start of 2014 – 2015 School-year

Commissioner of Education, Chris Johnson issued a statement at the start of the 2014- 2015 school year. In his statement he wished students, teachers and parents at the island’s primary and secondary schools a “positive and productive school year”. He encouraged students in particular to strive for excellence in their …

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Purchase Orders for Recycling Plant Equipment signed

Commissioner of Public Works Bruce Zagers, recently signed 19 purchase orders for specialized equipment that will be used at the soon to be built recycling plant that will be situated at the landfill in Fort Bay. With the assistance of the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment (I&M) the island …

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Police office KPCN Saba moves to The Bottom

On Thursday, August 21st , the employees of the Korps Politie Caribisch Nederland (KPCN) move to the new police station on Saba from Windwardside to The Bottom. The relocation started on Monday, August 18th  and will be completed on  Thursday, August 21st . As of January 1st , 2015 the …

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Gilbert Isabella to visit Statia and Saba

New Dutch Government Representative Gilbert Isabella will be paying an official visit to St. Eustatius, Saba and Bonaire from today, Tuesday until Saturday, writes The Daily Herald. Isabella will be starting his visit to acquaint himself with the Caribbean Netherlands on Statia today. He will be welcomed by Island Governor …

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Durk Hiemstra is the new Chief of Basic Police Care on Saba

Effective August 1st, 2014 Durk Hiemstra is the new Chief of Basic Police Care on Saba. He is the successor of Coenraad Swormink who has held this position for six months. Hiemstra will perform this task for one year. This is not the first time Hiemstra is holding this position. …

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Rolando Wilson visists schools on first day

Island Council Member Mr. Rolando Wilson visited the Sacred Heart School and The Saba Comprehensive School to join the teachers, parents and guardians in welcoming students back to school. Mr. Wilson wished all returning students the best of wishes for the coming school year 2014-2015. He hopes all students enjoy …

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Coral reef experts from the Caribbean met at Curacao

Last week a group of coral reef experts from all over the Caribbean met on Curaçao to discuss the need for monitoring of the coral reefs of the region to ensure their effective management. Agreement was reached on the minimum amount and type of data that should be collected by …

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Installation of Saba Fit billboards

Saba Fit, the campaign that encourages young people to reduce the risks of childhood obesity by drinking water, regular movement and eating healthily, recently put up billboards island-wide. The campaign was launched in February, and consists primarily of promotional campaign videos featuring local youth advocating either of the three Saba …

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Plasterk: “Referendum is island affair”

The Island Councils in the Caribbean Netherlands have the authority to decide on holding a constitutional referendum, not the Dutch government. Dutch Minister of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations Ronald Plasterk stated this in his recent reply to a letter of the Bonaire non-governmental organisation “Nos Ke Boneiru Bèk” (We …

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Judge Van de Ven to return to the Netherlands

The Daily Herald writes that Koos van de Ven will be laying down his duties as a criminal judge at the Court of First Instance, as per October 1. Van de Ven will be returning to the Netherlands to resume his position as a judge at the Court of Amsterdam, the Joint Court of Justice stated Friday. Van …

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Finance Minister Dijsselbloem: Economic recovery “fragile”

The NL Times reports that the recent figures from the Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis (CPB) show that the recover after the crisis in The Netherlands is definite, but “fragile”, Finance Minister Jeroen Dijsselbloem says. Coalition parties VVD and PvdA see the recovery as positive as well, though warn of …

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Saba businesses in distress if tax exemptions are lifted

Yesterday, NTR-Caribisch Netwerk reported that the last few months, several hotels in Saba had to close their doors because of the deteriorating economy and high property tax system introduced in October 10, 2010. Hotel owners that are still in operation, fear that they too may have to close in case …

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Plasterk disappointed about objections to Isabella

Dutch Minister of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations Ronald Plasterk stated on Thursday that he is “disappointed” about the objections of St. Eustatius to the appointment of Gilbert Isabella as the new National Government Representative (“Rijksvertegenwoordiger”). “I regret that the Island Council of St. Eustatius beforehand has reservations about the …

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Saba on track with financial reports

The Daily Herald writes that the three public entities Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba have all finalized the year 2013 with a budgetary surplus. But in the area of financial management their efforts need to be intensified. Saba is showing improvement, but Statia and Bonaire do not have their financial …

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Bizzy B’s founder and owner Entrepreneur of the Year

The Daily Herald writes that Rachel M. Thijssen was awarded the second annual Entrepreneur of the Year Award by Saba Business Association (SBA) on Tuesday outside her shop at Breadline Plaza in Windwardside. “We are proud to give this award to Rachel, since we believe she showed real entrepreneurial spirit, …

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