Thursday , September 19 2024

Saba News Archive: News Items

Tax refunds can be deposited automatically into your bank account

Recently the Belastingdienst Caribisch Nederland (Tax Office) took a big step forward in its service. Taxpayers who inform the Belastingdienst in time about their bank account number will receive their tax refunds automatically into their bank accounts. The Belastingdienst continually strives to optimize its service. Until recently, it took the …

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Lottery boss Robby dos Santos arrested

Caribisch Netwerk announced that the investigation team (RST) in charge of the Maximus case, the murder on late politician Helmin Magnus Wiels, had arrested Robby Dos Santos at 6:40 this morning on Curaçao in his own house. So far three suspects have been arrested including former ministers Carlos Monk and …

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Carnival start well attended

The Daily Herald writes that Saba Carnival 2014 began with the Grand Lighting Opening Jump Up on Thursday. Friday night a larger than expected crowd turned out for Compa Flavour Night featuring Carimi from Haiti alongside Saba’s own XP Band. Saturday’s schedule showcased local talent during Saba Starz Night Talent …

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Steps to Highest Point in the Kingdom to be Renovated

The famous steps leading to the highest point on Saba as well as in the Dutch Kingdom, Mount Scenery, will be renovated in the coming months. Over the years the steps have sustained some damage through hurricanes, regular wear and tear and more recently when the power cables to the …

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10500 paid jobs on the BES islands

In 2013, 10,500 people in the Caribbean Netherlands were in a paid job. In total, workers in Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba occupied more than 9,000 jobs. The vast majority of these jobs, some 7,500, could be found on Bonaire; it emerged from figures published Thursday by Central Bureau of …

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What the papers say – A day of national mourning: the day after

The day of national mourning to honour the victims of Malaysia Airline flight MH17 dominates Thursday’s newspapers, with most carrying a full page photograph of the ceremony. Dutch News gives an overview of  newspapers in the Netherlands. ‘Day of mourning gives the dead their dignity back’, is the Volkskrant’s headline. …

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MH17 dead remembered in moving ceremony

The highlights of the official ceremony on Wednesday’s national day of mourning for the victims of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17. Diplomatic offensive to secure MH17 site Dutch News reported that The Netherlands has begun a major diplomatic offensive to send possibly hundreds of soldiers and police forensic experts to Ukraine …

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Saba Carnival 2014 is approaching

In the Daily Herald of today Patrick Geans is looking forward towards 2014 Carnival. Up from The Bottom to Zion’s Hill; down from Hell’s Gate to the slopes of St. Johns; from the quaint shops and homes of Windwardside to the deep blue shores of Cove Bay; from the top …

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Child Focus completes summer activities

The Daily Herald writes that Child Focus summer activities programme 2014, coordinated and organised by Stacey Simmons and Suzanne Guido, came to a close on Friday, July 11, with a fun-filled barbeque at Cove Bay. Their goal was to create a variety of enjoyable activities giving participants an opportunity to …

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MP’s ask questions about Statia rejecting Isabella

Members of the Dutch Parliament’s Second Chamber of Socialist Party (SP) and Party for Freedom PVV have posed questions to Minister of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations Ronald Plasterk concerning the motion against new Government Representative Gilbert Isabella, which was unanimously adopted by the Island Council of St. Eustatius on …

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