Thursday , September 19 2024

Saba News Archive: News Items

Parents will hold community meeting on Saturday

The Daily Herald writes that a group of concerned parents will be holding a community-wide meeting at Eugenius Johnson Center in Windwardside at 6:00pm Saturday. The group, informally called Saba Parents Association (SPA), said it is holding the meeting to openly address the concerns of parents and community members alike …

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Police Saba again conducts traffic surveillance

On Thursday morning, July 17, 2014 Korps Politie Caribisch Nederland (KPCN) held a traffic surveillance on Saba in the context of the enforcement task. This inspection took place between 6:30 am and 9:00 am at the J. Sawyers Ridge Road in St. John’s. During this inspection, more than 90 vehicles …

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Comments on the CoC BES-week document of last month

The Daily Herald writes about comments on the document presented to officials in the Netherlands last month.“People on the island feel like the Dutch are not paying attention and in the long run it will cost them more to rebuild the economy,” said SBA President Wolfgang Tooten. “On a small …

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Statia says no to the appointment of Isabella as Rijksvertegenwoordiger

The Daily Herald reports that Dutch Minister of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations Ronald Plasterk received further rejection Tuesday of his appointment of Gilbert Isabella as the new Dutch Government Representative. The Island Council of St. Eustatius unanimously passed a motion expressing discontent with the followed selection procedure and the …

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Saba school board and parents meet, resolve to move forward

The Daily Herald writes that Board members of Saba Education Foundation (SEF) Board and Saba Parents Association (SPA) met on Monday and agreed to move forward after several contentious weeks following the Board’s April decision not to renew the contracts of Saba Comprehensive School Director Hemmie van Xanten and three …

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Saba Comprehensive School hires 5 new teachers

Hazel Durand reports on the site of Caribisch Netwerk that the Board of the Saba Comprehensive School (SCS) has hired five new teachers. It still lacks a new teacher for  Dutch. This says Wingrove Baker, one of the parents who was able to participate last night in a meeting with …

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And again: bored by the board

It was agreed that there would be a meeting with the board of the Saba Education Foundation (SEF) yesterday, Monday the 14th of July 4:30 pm at the Sunny Valley Youth Centre. Again a group of parents, teachers and other people who were worried about what had happened at the …

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Young Saban Athletes Travel to Philadelphia

Two young Saban athletes have traveled to the Philadelphia 76ers basketball camp from July 13th to 18th. Shurendy Windfield and Frankelly Wilson are traveling along with their chaperone James Granger to Philadelphia where they will take part in the camp which aims to enhance the skills of young athletes. While …

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Concerned residents to meet SEF board today, Monday, at 4:30pm

The Daily Herald writes that a group of about twenty concerned residents, parents and educators are looking forward to a long sought-after meeting with Saba Education Foundation (SEF) board members, purportedly scheduled at Sunny Valley Youth Centre in The Bottom today, Monday, at 4:30pm. The group showed up to a …

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Small turnout for health fair

More than twenty local residents came out for free medical screenings at the annual Saba University School of Medicine (SUSOM) Health Fair on Saturday in The Bottom. This reports The Daily Herald. Organizers said although attendance was somewhat down this year, they were still pleased to provide the annual public …

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Plans for a “Safe house” in the Caribbean

The Daily Herald writes that the Dutch Government is looking into the possibility of establishing a safe house in the Caribbean Netherlands for victims of violence. Dutch Minister of Safety and Justice Ivo Opstelten stated this in a recent letter to the Second Chamber of the Dutch Parliament in which …

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Board of Saba Comprehensive School did not show up

Parents of children at the Saba Comprehensive School and others listed many questions about the latest developments at that school – especially regarding the not extending of the contracts with four teachers and with the director – and offered these to the school board. After having refused to participate in a …

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