Thursday , September 19 2024

Saba News Archive: News Items

Eleven new Roman Catholics confirmed

The Daily Herald writes that 11 young Saba communicants were confirmed during a special confirmation mass Wednesday evening at Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church in The Bottom. Many proud parishioners, friends and family attended the Mass. Greatly appreciated by many in the community for her dedication in working with local …

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Lobby for businesses with The Hague

The Daily Herald writes that Commissioner of Economic Affairs Chris Johnson met with Saba Chamber of Commerce members Kelly Johnson and Wolfgang Tooten. The purpose of Tuesday’s meeting was to discuss lobbying points of the Saba business community to be discussed with the ministries in The Hague, when the Executive …

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Workshops for delegations of Civil Registration offices

Delegations from the Civil Registries offices of the six islands of the Dutch Caribbean as well as from the Dutch Ministry of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations and the Bureau for Personal Data in the Netherlands are convening on St. Eustatius for three days of workshops. This writes The Daily …

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Disaster Committee meets at start of hurricane season

The Daily Herald writes that Saba Disaster Committee met last week ahead of the start of the 2014 Atlantic Hurricane Season, which began June 1. The meeting was chaired by Island Governor Jonathan Johnson and attended by various other members who carry out emergency support functions. Every year, the Disaster …

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Saba’s tourism figures

Tourism Caribbean Netherlands 2012 Published Tuesday, June 3, 2014, Source: CBS In 2012, a total of 112 thousand tourists arrived by plane to the Caribbean Netherlands , including 40 per cent from the Netherlands and 20 percent in the United States . Of these, 82 thousand tourists flew to Bonaire …

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Executive Councils to meet Dutch parliament

The Daily Herald writes that the Executive Councils of Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba will be meeting with the Permanent Committee for Kingdom Relations of the Second Chamber of the Dutch Parliament on June 17. The representatives of the islands will be in the Netherlands that week for the so-called …

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First meeting of Sacred Heart School Representative Advisory Council

The first elected Representative Advisory Council (Medezeggenschapsraad) of Sacred Heart (SHS) primary school met Friday morning for a working brunch at Scout’s Place to get acquainted with each other and discuss the statutes of the entity and its responsibilities. This writes The Daily Herald. The council is a replica of …

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Saba Fit organized Body Mass Index measuring

The Daily Herald writes that Saba Fit organized the measuring of all primary school children’s Body-Mass Index (BMI) Wednesday morning at Sacred Heart School (SHS) in St. John’s. The activity was implemented by Saba University School of Medicine (SUSOM) students, supervised by faculty Dr. Ramona Dumitrescu, community physician Dr. Gina …

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Students furious as agreement is reached on scrapping grants

Dutch News reports that Ministers and two opposition parties on Wednesday reached a deal to abolish  student grants from the start of the 2015 academic year, freeing up €1bn to spend on improving educational standards. Describing the move as the most important educational reform in 30 years, education minister Jet …

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Third Workgroup evaluation Caribbean Netherlands

On Thursday May 29th the third meeting of the workgroup evaluation Caribbean Netherlands took place on St. Eustatius under the chairmanship of Commissioner Reginald Zaandam. Present were the Commissioners of Constitutional Affairs and island Secretaries on Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba and a delegation of the Ministry of Home Affairs …

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Also on Saba D66 is the winner in the EU election.

Centre democrat D66 of former Minister of Government Reform and Kingdom Relations Alexander Pechtold emerged as Saba’s winner in the European elections, writes The Daily Herald. The elections for Members of the European Parliament were held throughout the Dutch kingdom on Thursday, but the official results for Saba were not announced until Monday. For the …

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MP Roelof van Laar fights injustice

Since he succeeded Pierre Heijnen a year ago as a member of the Permanent Committee for Kingdom Relations of the Second Chamber of the Dutch Parliament, Roelof van Laar of the Labour Party PvdA has stirred things up with his candid statements about poverty, children’s rights, education and his critical …

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Centre for Youth and Family bids farewell to Errick Spence

The Daily Herald writes that Youth and Family (CYF) on Saba organised a well-attended farewell cocktail reception for outgoing social worker Errick Spence on Monday evening, at its office in The Bottom. Social worker Tessa Alexander facilitated the introductions, after which the ceremony stared with a steel pan rendition of the …

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