Thursday , September 19 2024

Saba News Archive: News Items

Mr H.J.E. Hambeukers will be Chief officer of Justice

Mr H.J.E. Hambeukers will be  Chief officer of Justice on Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba. The National Council of Ministers has decided to nominate him on the proposal of Minister of Security and Justice. The appointment takes effect on July 1, 2014. Mr. Hambeukers is prosecutor at the Office of …

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Almost accountant’s full approval for annual report

The Daily Herald writes that Saba will likely end the year 2013 with a budget surplus, which will be added to its reserves. These reserves contribute to the improvement of the resistance capital of Saba. The reserves are for instance needed for unforeseen events and natural disasters. The budget for …

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Limited support for proposal for an Electoral College

The Daily herald writes that there is limited support in the Second Chamber of the Dutch Parliament for the proposal of the First Chamber to establish an Electoral College (Kiescollege) for Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba. The Socialist Party (SP), the Christian Democratic Party CDA and the Democratic Party D66 …

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Youth care requires integral approach

The Daily Herald writes that Dutch State Secretary of Health, Welfare and Sports Martin van Rijn will adopt the recommendations in the report from the Inspectorate of Youth Care to improve the youth care in the Caribbean Netherlands even further. In the coming years, he is determined to work in …

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Goedgedrag assists to select new Government Representative

The Daily Herald writes that former Governor of Curaçao and the Netherlands Antilles Frits Goedgedrag, former President of the Second Chamber of the Dutch Parliament Gerdi Verbeet and former Dutch Minister of Economic Affairs Laurens Jan Brinkhorst will help to select a new National Government Representative for Bonaire, St. Eustatius …

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Criticism in Parliament about taking away voting rights

Some parties in the Second Chamber of the Dutch Parliament are questioning the law proposal of the Dutch Government to take away the voting rights of foreign citizens of the Dutch public entities Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba, writes The Daily Herald. Representatives of the Socialist Party (SP), the Labour …

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CFT Meets with Executive Council

The Executive Council of the Public Entity of Saba met with Members of the CFT board and their delegation on Monday May 5th, to discuss the financial management of the island. Present for the Public Entity were Island Governor Jonathan Johnson; Commissioner of Finance, Bruce Zagers; Island Secretary Menno van …

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“What is Saba’s Nature Worth?”

Saba Government Information Service Saba April 25, 2014 Workshop on results “What is Saba’s Nature Worth?” and start of the Nature Policy Plan for Saba. “Maintaining the healthy natural environment of Saba is very important for our future economic prosperity,” these were the opening words of Commissioner of Economic Affairs, …

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Appointment mediators Labour disputes Law1946 BES

The Labour disputes Law 1946 BES, which on 10-10-10 replaced the “old” Netherlands Antilles federal decree, knows the function mediator. This function has so far not been filled. In agreement with the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, The Kingdom Representative has now appointed of a mediator. For the work …

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More names of Antillean WW II victims discovered

The Daily Herald writes that Dutch author and researcher Jos Rozenburg has discovered the names of 37 more people of Dutch Caribbean origin who got killed during World War II. One of those victims was Saba-born Thelma Esther Polak, who died in Nazi concentration camp Sobibor. War monuments in the …

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Report on the first meeting in 2014 of the Island Council

Island Council Holds First Meeting For 2014 The Bottom/SABA-The Island Council of Saba unanimously approved the dividend policy for electricity provider Saba Electric Company N.V.  on Wednesday April 30. Present at the meeting which began at 9:00am was Island Council Members Rolando Wilson, Carl Buncamper, Eviton Heyliger and Ishmael Levenstone. …

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Chikungunya declared an epidemic in the Caribbean

The head of the Caribbean Public Health Authority (CARPHA), Dr James Hospedales, has declared the Chikungunya virus has reached epidemic proportions in the Caribbean. “By definition this is an epidemic since it represents an unusual number of cases of this problem where we would never have it before,” Dr Hospedales …

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Price level Bonaire 15 percent higher than on Curacao

 In 2011 the average price level on Bonaire was nearly 15 percent higher than in Curacao. On Aruba consumer products are about as expensive as in Bonaire. St. Maarten is almost 2 percent more expensive than  Bonaire. This is evident from the 2011 International Comparison Program (ICP) published on April …

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PVV under fire for Front National links in first European debate

The anti-immigration PVV came under attack in Thursday night’s European election television debate for its links with France’s far-right Front National. The party’s founder and current MEP Jean Le Pen has several convictions for racism and has described the Holocaust as an ‘historical detail’. The PVV is hoping to form …

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