Thursday , September 19 2024

Saba News Archive: News Items

First Chamber questions rise minimum wage

The Daily Herald writes that the First Chamber of the Dutch Parliament is questioning the decision of Dutch Minister of Social Affairs and Labour Jetta Klijnsma to only approve a limited increase of the minimum wage in Saba, even after her letter from two weeks ago. The Senate’s Permanent Committee …

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Saba now offering MBO level 1 for dropouts

Hazel Durand reports that, for the first time, the Sociale Kanstraject (SKJ) program on Saba managed by the Saba Reach Foundation will be offering middelbaar beroepsonderwijs (MBO) level 1 to high school dropouts or to those students who only received a school leaving certificate at the end of their high …

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Minister Opstelten continues investing in police.

The Daily Herald writes that Dutch Minister of Security and Justice Ivo Opstelten committed to continue investing in the Police Force Caribbean Netherlands during a meeting with the Second Chamber of the Dutch Parliament on Thursday. Defending the increase in the budget of the Police Force for Bonaire, St. Eustatius …

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UTS supports Saba Cultural Foundation

UTS has stepped up to support the Saba Cultural Foundation in its endeavour to organise a fundraising bingo, writes The Daily Herald. The bingo will be held on Saturday, February 2, and will feature a large range of attractive prizes. UTS has provided three smartphone devices as prizes during the …

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Celebration of 101st birthday of Irene Granger

The Daily Herald reports that the island community celebrated the 101st birthday of eldest resident Irene Granger on Wednesday evening with a Mass at Henry Every Old Age Home in The Bottom. The Mass was presided by Father Alphons Baak, who is temporarily replacing Father Danilo Pastor.  Impressed by the …

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Results St. Eustatius language of instruction research presented

During two town hall meetings the results of the language of instruction research on St. Eustatius were presented. The first meeting, on Monday, January 2, was for the general public and the second one, on Tuesday January 28, was for local education professionals. The results were presented by the research …

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Senate calls in minister on voting rights

The Daily Herald writes that the First Chamber of the Dutch Parliament has decided to call in the minister for a debate on February 11, 2014, being unhappy with the explanation of Dutch Minister of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations Ronald Plasterk as to why he rejects a Caribbean Netherlands …

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Documents and passports stolen

Not on Saba but from a package on its way to Saba things have been removed. This complaint was filed with the Caribbean Netherlands Police Force on Saba on Tuesday, at 10:42am, concerning the theft of documents committed outside the territory of the Netherlands. Three Passports and documents stolen from …

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Concerns about capacity SXM to investigate crimes

The Daily Herald writes that Dutch coalition parties the Labour Party PvdA and liberal democratic VVD party are concerned about the capacity of the St. Maarten Prosecutor’s Office and the National Detectives to carry out investigations. Members of the Second Chamber of the Dutch Parliament Roelof van Laar (PvdA) and …

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First baby on Saba in 2014 born

The first baby born on Saba for 2014 was born on January 27. The baby boy has been named Juanmanuel Hassell and was born to parents Gina and Ryan Hassell. The infant was delivered by Dr. Jack Buchanan at A.M Edwards Medical Center at 5:30 am. Both mother and baby …

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New Playground to be developed in Cove Bay

A new playground will soon be built at Cove Bay in Hell’s Gate, as an additional play area for young children to spend some time outside. The new playground is being financed through funds from the Island Government and the Dutch Government through its ‘leefbaarheidfonds’ Cove Bay was chosen as …

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Car stolen on Saba

The police reports that on Monday, January 27th, around 22:59 PM, police received report of theft of a gray Hyundai Tucson that was parked near a restaurant in Windward Side. Shortly after the owner reported that she had found the car behind a grocery store in Windward Side. The car …

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Car destroyed on FortBay Road

On Saturday, January 25th, around 1:17 PM, the police received notification of destruction of a car parked at the Fort Bay Road. All four tires of the car were slashed and the windshield was smashed. The window was so fragmented that one could no longer look through it. The case …

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Wesleyan church organised “Nationalities Day”

The Daily Herald writes that celebrating the island’s great cultural diversity, a parade of flags and “Nationalities Day” special service took place Sunday morning at the Wesleyan Holiness Church in The Bottom. The congregation also organised a nationalities fundraiser food sale at Princess Juliana’s sports field on Saturday, with traditional …

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