Friday , September 20 2024

Saba News Archive: News Items

Pre-columbian artifacts to return home

Amerindian artefacts dug up by archaeologists on Saba in the past three decades will be returned to the island in the near future. The Daily Herald writes about this. The objects, mostly fragments of pottery, stone, shell and bones will be stored at the Saba Heritage Centre in the course …

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Business burglary

Press release from Communicatie K.P.C.N. On Monday, December 16th, around 9:30 AM, the police received notice that an office across from the hospital in the nameless street in the Bottom had been broken into. Cash money has been taken. The case is being investigated.

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Bosman law proposal mentions annullation under conditions

The Daily Herald writes that the law proposal to restrict the registration of people from Aruba, Curaçao and St. Maarten in the Netherlands will be annulled if the partners in the Kingdom were to agree on a law to regulate the movement of persons within the Kingdom. The initiative taker …

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All names Kingdom Youth Parliament known

Fifty youths have been named as members of the first Kingdom Youth Parliament (KYP). They will partake in a number of events taking place between May 19 and May 23, 2014, both as individuals and in teams. During this period, the youths, who have been selected from all corners of …

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Labour Union officially launched

The Saba United People’s Labour Union Association was officially launched at the Ambulance Department Friday, as writes the Daily Herald. President of the newly established union Ludwina Lucas-Charles welcomed all present and explained that the union was now officially established after being legalised by a notary. The board of the …

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SSCS fibre cable landed at St Maarten

St Maarten Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport and Telecommunications Ted Richardson proudly witnessed the landing of the Saba, Statia Cable System (SSCS) telecommunications cable at the landing point (beach manhole) operated by St. Maarten International Telecommunications Services SMITCOMS on Great Bay Beach on Friday morning. Richardson said he was …

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GEBE now fully owned by St Maarten, the start of SEC

The Daily Herald writes that transfer of shares, giving St. Maarten 100 per cent ownership of the utilities company, took place at Sonesta Maho Beach Resort last week Friday. Present for the transfer were Prime Minister Sarah Wescot-Williams, Governor Eugene Holiday, MPs Heyliger and Roy Marlin, former MP from St. …

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Contest: the best politician of 2013 in The Hague

PvdA Jeroen Dijsselbloem is elected politician of the year by the parliamentary press. It was the eleventh time that the press kept the election. The Minister of Finance won, D66 leader Alexander Pechtold had the second place and Christian Union leader Arie Slob the third. The youth panel of the …

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VVD worried about expensive internet cable

After the letter from minister Plasterk to the parliament and the criticism of the General Audit Chamber on 28 November related to the procedures concerning fiber optic cable in the Caribbean Netherlands, members of the VVD (Liberal Democratic Party) expressed their concerns  about the higher price tag for the construction. …

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New members Chamber of Commerce

The Daily Herald writes that the Chamber of Commerce St. Eustatius and Saba thanked the many voters that turned up to cast their vote on Thursday, for a member of the Chamber of Commerce. The results are as follows: Koert Kerkhoff – 23 votes, Koos Sneek – 46 votes and …

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Accident on Fort Bay Road

The police, KPCN, reports that on Wednesday, December 11th, around 7:38 PM, a one-sided collision took place on the Fort Bay Road where the road had to be shut off. A light blue Toyota pickup with registration V-40 came to lie on its side and was leaking oil / fuel …

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