Thursday , September 19 2024

Saba News Archive: News Items

Royal couple charms Saba

The Daily Herald reports how charming King-Willem Alexander and elegant Queen Máxima, accompanied by Dutch Minister of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations Ronald Plasterk and their royal entourage, landed smoothly on the sunny runway of Juancho Yrausquin Airport, the shortest commercial runway in the world, on Thursday morning for their …

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The Dutch economy is out of recession

The Dutch economy managed to creep out of recession and grew by 0.1% in the third quarter of this year compared with Q2, according to new estimates from the national statistics office CBS on Thursday. The growth is largely due to exports, which rose 2.1%. But compared with the same …

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Islands present at Kingdom congress

According news in The Daily Herald Governors and Prime Ministers of Aruba, Curaçao and St. Maarten, and representatives of the Dutch Caribbean governments have been invited to attend the Kingdom business congress and trade mission in The Hague on November 27 and 28. Politicians, business people, representatives of the public …

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Bureaucracy of Rijksgebouwendienst decried

The Daily Herald writes that Governor Johnson addressed several questions falling under his portfolio during Monday’s public Island Council meeting. The first was the enforcement challenge in curtailing the sale of alcohol to minors. He blasted the slow and bureaucratic renovations of the police station in The Bottom saying that …

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Windward Islands artists exhibit at Zwolle museum

Windward Islands artists Ras Mosera (St. Maarten), Magumbo Muntu (St. Eustatius), Heleen Cornet and Glenda Heyliger (Saba) have been selected to exhibit their work in a museum in Zwolle, the Netherlands, on the occasion of the celebration of 200 years Kingdom of the Netherlands. The work of the Windward islands …

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Commissioner Zagers commended on performance finance department

Island Council members publicly commended the Commissioner of Finance Bruce Zagers and his team on Monday for the timely delivery of the approved multi-year budget proposal and for addressing an array of matters falling under his portfolio. This writes The Daily Herald. Briefing on the recent Caribbean Netherlands (CN) week …

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Anwers to questions of Island Council

The Daily Herald reports that the Executive Council answered all Island Council members’ written and verbal inquiries in Monday’s public session within two extensive questioning rounds and an additional interpellation. On several occasions, the commissioners stressed that the separation of tasks between national and local government does not allow them …

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Island Council approves 2014-2017 draft budget

The Island Council passed in a public session Monday morning the 2014- 2017 draft budget and gave its blessing for the acquisition of Hyacinth’s Cottage and Corner Imports Building in Windwardside. This reports The Daily Herald. The council has postponed discussion on the salary increase for political officials until procedural …

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Community invited to meet royal couple

The Daily Herald writes that the community is invited to come out and meet King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima on their visit to Saba on Thursday, November 14. The royal couple has specifically requested for them to be able to get in touch with as many people from the island …

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RCN and SMITCOMS sign for cable

St Maarten Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport and Telecommunications Ted Richardson witnessed on Tuesday afternoon the signing of a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between St. Maarten International Telecommunications Services (SMITCOMS) and the National Office for the Caribbean Netherlands (RCN) related to the Saba, Statia Cable System (SSCS). This reports …

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Senate backs ban of sale of cigarettes to the under-18s

The sale of cigarettes and rolling tobacco in the Netherlands will be restricted to people aged 18 and over from January 1 2014. The upper house of parliament on Tuesday voted in favour of raising the legal age from 16 in an effort to reduce the number of youngsters taking …

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Personal treatment for cancer moves a step closer

The search for a personal approach to treatment for individual cancer patients has moved a step closer thanks to Dutch research, Nos television reports on Tuesday. Hans Bos, professor of molecular cancer research at Utrecht medical centre, is putting together a team of 19 researchers to broaden and deepen research …

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Wilders commissions report into cost of Holland leaving the EU

PVV leader Geert Wilders has commissioned a British bureau to carry out new research into how much it would cost the Netherlands to leave the EU, the NRC reports on Tuesday. The paper bases its claim on confidential correspondence between the PVV and London-based Capital Economics. The correspondence shows that …

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Minister says claims of racism against the Netherlands go too far

DutchNews writes that Social affairs minister Lodewijk Asscher has dismissed recent claims that the political climate in the Netherlands is racist, saying the accusation goes too far. A recent report by a Council of Europe human rights committee said the Netherlands needs to do more to combat racism and regretted …

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