Thursday , September 19 2024

Saba News Archive: News Items

How to keep Saba “unspoiled”?

“EU planning to reduce plastic bag mountain”, writes The Daily Herald. European Union member states will be encouraged to tax or even ban thin single-use plastic bags handed out in shops under proposals to tackle the tonnes of plastic waste that enter the water system and kill wildlife. Some countries, …

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Fireman’s week commenced

The Daily Herald writes that the “Fireman’s Week” celebrations commenced with a blessing of the local fire-fighters at the main fire station, followed by the sounding of the sirens honouring fallen comrades. Saba Fire Department Commandant Julio Every informs that the fire-fighters will hold a reception on Tuesday and series …

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“A Vote for a Goat” Still True ?

The Daily Herald writes in The Weekender” that question about Saba’s roving goats reached the public menu again this October when it was brought up during a “Sea and Learn” lecture by orchid specialist Dr. Jim Ackerman. “Sea and Learn” is an environment awareness program which brings naturalists and scientists …

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High court upholds councils’ right to tax dogs

Local authorities are not discriminating against dog owners by making them pay a tax for keeping their pet, the High Court said on Friday. After all, it costs councils money to keep public places and special areas for dogs clean, the court said in its ruling. In addition, the size …

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Idea for Saba: St. Kitts opens 1 megaWatt solar farm

“St. Kitts’ going solar,” screams the headline in wrote the Daily Herald yesterday. Paul E. Kandarian, a frequent contributor to Globe Travel and who writes and photographs New England and Caribbean stories in the article states: “If you fl y into St. Kitts and see shiny panels on landing, …

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VVD and SP support referendum Statia

The liberal democratic VVD party and the Socialist Party in the Second Chamber of the Dutch Parliament support St. Eustatius’ coalition government in their desire to hold a constitutional referendum next year. Statia has every right to organise a constitutional referendum, said Member of the Second Chamber André Bosman (VVD) …

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PvdA inquires about new postal services provider

The Daily Herald reports that the granting of the new concession for the postal services in the Caribbean Netherlands to Flamingo Services has raised some questions in the Dutch Labour Party PvdA in the Second Chamber of the Dutch Parliament. Members of Parliament (MPs) Roelof van Laar and Mei Li …

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Breast Cancer lecture and walk 2013

Breast Cancer lecture and walk on Saba took place on Tuesday, October 29, writes The Daily Herald. The event was organised by Saba University School of Medicine (SUSOM) together with the Lions Club on Saba. The event started in Windwardside at the Eugenius Johnson Centre where second semester SUSOM students …

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CN week closed with minor successes

The Daily Herald writes that the Caribbean Netherlands Week in The Hague was closed off on Thursday with minor successes, mainly due to the financial restrictions of the Dutch Government. The high expectations that the Executive Council delegations of Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba had when they came to the …

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“Free moving” students from islands have problems

Students from the Dutch Caribbean who come to the Netherlands on their own, the so-called “free movers,” are facing increasing problems, writes The Daily Herald. The Cabinet of Curaçao’s Minister Plenipotentiary Marvelyne Wiels is concerned and is taking action. Free movers from Curaçao, but also from the other islands, who …

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Workgroup for 2015 evaluation

The Daily Herald reports that general evaluation in 2015 will not be narrowed down to the status of either public entity or municipality status for Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba. The island delegations and the Dutch Government on Thursday agreed to install a high level work group which will look …

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Heated debate on Bosman proposal

The law initiative of Member of the Second Chamber of the Dutch Parliament André Bosman (VVD) to regulate the registration of people from Aruba, Curaçao and St. Maarten was the source of a heated debate in Amsterdam on Tuesday. This reports The Daily Herald. Initiative-taker Bosman and Consultative Body for …

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Statia insists on referendum

The Daily Herald writes that St. Eustatius will not agree to the terms for a general evaluation in 2015 if its constitutional status as Dutch public entity is not open for discussion and the option to hold a referendum is excluded, said Statia Commissioner Reginald Zaandam on Wednesday. Statia considers …

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Feasibility test of Solar lighting

The Island Government recently commissioned a pilot project to investigate the feasibility of solar lighting on Saba. This was reported again in The Daily Herald. It is expected to determine if the technology would be suitable in all areas of the island including those with significant cloud cover. The Island …

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Gay rights kept an eye on

The Daily Herald writes that the Dutch Minister of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations Ronald Plasterk will keep a keen eye on the rights of homosexuals in the Dutch Caribbean, but at the same time he is aware of the fact that this area is a responsibility of the autonomous …

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