Thursday , September 19 2024

Saba News Archive: News Items

Procedures for fibre optic cable were incorrect

The Daily Herald reports that procedures as stated in the accountancy law were not followed when the fibre optic cable company Saba Statia Cable System (SSCS) was established in 2012. This became clear from a document that Dutch Minister of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations Ronald Plasterk sent to the …

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Auditdienst approves SONA annual account 2012

The Daily Herald writes that Foundation development Netherlands Antilles SONA has received “an unqualified opinion” on its annual accounts through 2012 from the auditors of KPMG, which is being controlled again by the Dutch entity Auditdienst Rijk, according to the foundation. KPMG and Auditdienst have taken “different views of the …

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SONA funds vanished, position Stolte discussed

The Daily Herald reports that Dutch Ministry of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations BZK. Dutch Minister of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations Ronald Plasterk responded in a letter to the Second Chamber on Tuesday, that there was no wrongfulness regarding 270 million euros and that the “uncertainty” as a result …

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Signatures for referendum on Statia handed

The Daily Herald writes that Brighter Path Foundation and others handed in more than 800 signatures for a referendum on the constitutional status of St. Eustatius to Commissioner for Constitutional Affairs Reginald Zaandam on Monday morning. The signatures were handed to Commissioner Zaandam by Jack Anson, Lynnette Anson-Leerdam, Jacintha Brice, …

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Oil spillages at NuStar confirmed

Island Governor Gerald Berkel confirmed that approximately 170 and 200 litres of oil were released during two separate incidents at NuStar Statia Terminal on June 12 and August 2, writes The Daily Herald. Governor Berkel, who as local Chief of Police is also responsible for the handling of environmental incidents, …

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TelEm Group extends deadline for submission of photos

The Daily Herald writes that the TelEm Group, has extended its invitation to photographers everywhere who wish to submit their favourite digital photos depicting the flora, fauna and marine life of St. Maarten/St. Martin, Saba and St. Eustatius. The company is seeking digital photos of the highest quality (300 DPI) …

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PAAB wants protest against “Bosman-law”

The Platform of Antillean and Aruban Councils PAAB in the Netherlands wants according an article in The Daily Herald the Curaçao Parliament to organise a protest against the law proposal of Member of the Second Chamber of Dutch Parliament André Bosman of the liberal democratic VVD party to restrict the …

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“Remigration has to be stimulated”

Bonaire’s youngsters that are in The Netherlands to study should be stimulated to return and work on the local labour market as has been written in The Daily Herald. “They want to come back, but don’t feel welcome,” foundation “Ban Boneiru Bèk” (Let’s Go Back to Bonaire) toldBelkis Osepa of …

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Joint Court of Justice installs new judges

The Daily Herald reports how the Judges Koos van de Ven and Katja Mans were officially installed as Judges at the Court of First Instance during an extraordinary sitting of the Joint Court of Justice on Friday afternoon. Earlier that day, the two new Judges were sworn in by Acting …

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Executive Council gives answers to a number of questions

Central Committee Chairman Rolando Wilson (Windward Islands People’s Movement, WIPM) released received written responses from the Executive Council to questions he initially posed June 22. This was reported by The Daily Herald. – The drinking-water study determined a need for two water plants to be located at the harbour and …

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Registrar got mentoring support

From July 30 to August 9 – writes The Daily Herald – the Acting Island Registrar Akilah Levenstone received on the job training from visiting Registrar Hans van Berkel. He is the current registrar of the Reusel de Mierden municipality in the South of The Netherlands and Levenstone’s mentor. Van …

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Hurricane Relief Exercise of Dutch marines

The RCN reports in a press release that this morning, the emergency detachment of the Dutch Ministry of Defense departed for the annual Hurricane Relief Exercise on the Windward Islands. The squad of the Royal Dutch Marines left from Aruba, the support vessel Pelikaan left from Curacao. This year, a …

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