Monday , September 16 2024

Saba News Archive: News Items

Joint Audit Chamber likely to be adopted by island Council

The Daily herald writes that the proposal for the Joint Audit Chamber Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba will be handled by the Island Council (IC) in a public session today, Friday, and it is expected to be adopted with some reservations from council members. The proposal was already discussed in …

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Inflation in Holland reaches five-year high

DutchNews reports today, that the inflation in The Netherlands is now almost double the European average, reaching 3.1% in July, according to new figures from the national statistics’ office CBS. This is the highest level since September 2008 and a rise of 0.2 percentage point on June, the CBS said. …

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Info presented about Saba Electricity Company

The Daily Herald reports how Commissioner Chris Johnson presented the draft statutes of the Saba Electric Company N.V. to Island Council members in Tuesday’s Central Committee meeting. The document was not submitted for approval or disapproval to the committee, but as a formality for adoption in Friday’s Island Council meeting …

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The need for Buffer Capital explained

Commissioner Bruce Zagers explained during Tuesday’s Central Committee meeting the need for the Buffer Capital proposal submitted for adoption in the Friday’s Island Council meeting, as was reported by the Daily Herald. He explained that allocating such resources would allow the executive to cover unbudgeted costs while at the same …

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Annual Report 2012 Pensions: Professionalising progressed

The Daily Herald reports that “Pensioenfonds Caribisch Nederland” (PCN) made considerable progress with professionalising the implementation of the pension scheme in 2012. From the annual report on the pension fund for government, education, health care and associated bodies in the Caribbean Netherlands (Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba) it appears that …

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New king enjoys great trust

King Willem-Alexander enjoys the trust of 86% of the Dutch population, a survey by RTL news shows. A quarter of those questioned said they have ‘a great deal of trust’ in the king. Willem-Alexander, who celebrates 100 days as king today, has seen his trust rating increase from 79.2% just …

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Dutch Government bookkeeping is a mess

The Algemeen Dagblad writes that the government’s bookkeeping is a mess, with millions of euros paid out against the rules or unclearly accounted for. The paper basis its claims on documents obtained under the freedom of information law which the paper had analysed by accountants and professors. According to the …

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In Central Committee several proposals scrutinized

The Daily Herald reports about discussions in the Central Committee meeting in which a quorum was reached despite the absence of WIPM-members Eviton Heyliger and Amelia Nicholson. Present were Committee Chairman Rolando Wilson and Carl Buncamper (both WIPM) and Saba Labour Party SLP) opposition leader Ishmael Levenston. Lt. Governor Jonathan …

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Saba and Statia seek ways to cooperate in agriculture

Foundation Social Workplace Saba (FSWS) Director La-Toya Charles and Organoponics Garden’s agricultural engineer Otto Manuel Andres Ramos visited St. Eustatius Friday to negotiate the import of manure from Statia’s Agriculture Station. This has been reported by The Daily Herald. They met with Director of the Department of Agriculture, Fishery and …

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Health insurance council to put patients first

The interests of patients must come first in any decisions on which medicines should remain in or be added to the healthcare package, the health insurance council CVZ said on Monday. Thus was reported by DutchNews. The comment comes after last year’s advice from the CVZ that payments for expensive …

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Global Health Seminar with focus om local stakeholders

The Daily Herald reports about the fact that Saba University School of Medicine’s (SUSOM) Global Health Club (GHC) held its third Global Health Seminar, Wednesday at campus. Among the club’s recent plans is the development of a public health awareness poster on dengue and a volunteer trip to serve poor …

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Succesful Colour Cross-Fit event

The Daily Herald writes about the first Colour Cross-Fit event on Saba received a healthy turnout Thursday evening. Although the Women Medical Student Association and the Saba Girls Run were the main organisers, many of the participants were both young Saban men and male medical students. Everybody wore the event’s …

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