Sunday , September 8 2024

Saba News Archive: News Items

Suriname wants Dutch compensation for slave trade

The paper DutchNews reports on Saturday that  the former Dutch colony of Suriname has joined Caribbean nations to press for compensation from the Netherlands, the UK and France for the lingering legacy of the Atlantic slave trade.Caricom, a regional organisation for the Caribbean Community, has taken up the cause and …

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St. Maarten projects economy to grow 0.8 % in 2013

The Curacao Chronicle reports that the Department of Economic Affairs, Transportation and Telecommunication (EVT) of St. Maarten produces on a quarterly basis the MacroMonitor. This a publication that gives an overview of the macro-economic developments of St. Maarten. In addition, special editions of the MacroMonitor are produced that cover specific …

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Bonaire’s prison is full: persons send home

The Daily Herald reports today that Bonaire’s prison “Justitiële Inrichting Caribisch Nederland” (JICN), formerly known as the House of Detention, was overcrowded in 2012. As a result authorities were forced, as was the case the year before, to release several detainees “both through the front and back door,” according to …

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Medical patients and patient organizations speak out

In their press release of July 24, the Stichting Patiëntenbelangen BES announced the following: On 29 June 2013 Stichting Patiëntenbelangen BES organized a meeting of concerned patients and health-related NGOs to discuss cooperation among all groups regarding the proposed changes to healthcare coverage for the BES islands. Seven NGOs and …

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Wall Street Journal: Dutch economy springs leak

The problem in the Dutch economy are now becoming world news. The Wall Street Journal says in an article that the Dutch economy faces a prolonged period of economic stagnation and the government is wrestling to satisfy the EU’s budget rules. The paper says the country’s economic woes are largely …

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Klijnsma: benefits need to synchronize with minimum wages

The Daily Herald reports today that, if the minimum wage in Bonaire goes up, Dutch State Secretary of Social Affairs and Employment Jetta Klijnsma is also prepared to increase the benefits. She made this promise at the end of her acquaintance visit to the three islands of the Caribbean Netherlands. …

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Saba’s Carnival officially opened

The Daily Herald of today reports extensively on the opening of Saba’s Carnival 2013. Island Governor Jonathan Johnson handed over the symbolic key to the Carnival Village in The Bottom to Saba Cultural Foundation Treasurer Julietta Woods during Monday’s official opening of Saba’s 2013 Carnival Season, themed “Jump and Scream, …

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Two man arrested on drugs charges – updated

Today the Daily Herald published an update on the arrests made yesterday. The Police Force of the Caribbean Netherlands in Bonaire confirmed Tuesday that two persons were arrested Monday in Saba for suspected violation of the so called Opium Law. Police detectives had found drugs during a house search, the …

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UTS supports Saba carnival

The Daily Herald reports today that United Telecommunications Services (UTS) supports the Saba Cultural Foundation, in its endeavor to stage the 2013 Carnival festivities in Saba. with a donation of  $4,000 “UTS is a steady yearly contributor towards Carnival in Saba, and we are happy to support the foundation again,” said UTS …

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Rutte wants more entrepreneurship in the Caribbean

The Daily Herald reporst today that the visit of Prime Minister Mark Rutte to the Dutch Caribbean was to be seen mainly within the framework of a new relationship with the islands. Promoting entrepreneurship was the central theme in Bonaire. “The time when someone from The Netherlands comes to hand …

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Telegraaf-story causes a stir: “If you want out, give me a call”

The St. Maarten newspaper Today reported yesterday that Telegraaf-journalist Ruud Mikkers, who toured the Antilles last week with Prime Minister Mark Rutte and a trade mission caused quite a stir in the Netherlands on Saturday with a front-page story under the ominous headline “Antilles on the line” (Antillen op de …

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Accreditation Medical School

The Daily Herald published a more detailed article about the rewardings for the Medical school. Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte delivered long-awaited accreditation papers to representatives of the Saba medical school, commending them for their dedication and hard work. Rutte said that he is only the bearer of good news, …

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Mental health workshop on St Maarten

The first Dutch Caribbean mental health workshop for the implementation of the World Health Organization-Assessment Instrument for Mental Health Systems (WHO-AIMS) and the introduction of the mental health GAP (mhGAP) action programme was recently held on St. Maarten. The Daily Herald reports the workshop was attended by representatives from Aruba, …

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Saba University School of Medicine receives accreditation documents

The Prime Minister’s delegation visited the Saba University School of Medicine (SUSOM) campus. Commissioner Johnson said the medical school was the most important investor in Saba’s economy and a model for sustainable development. Reported in The Daily Herald was that during his visit, the Prime Minister personally handed over the …

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Rutte committed to cut back too detailed legislation

Prime Minister Mark Rutte and a Dutch trade mission that travelled with him arrived Friday for a brief visit here. It was for the first time since 2007, a Dutch Prime Minister set foot on Saba, reported The Daily Herald. Commissioner Chris Johnson extended the Island Government’s “heartfelt welcome” to …

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