Thursday , September 19 2024

Saba News Archive: News Items

Agreement on tax relief

Caretaker Dutch State Secretary of Finance Frans Weekers and delegations from Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba closed an agreement on Wednesday to improve the fiscal system in the Caribbean Netherlands and to also remove some bottlenecks. The agreement includes several measures to improve the economic development of the islands and …

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$ 75,6 million to upgrade schools on islands

Schoolbuildings on Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba will be further renovated and improved in the coming years. Education Commissioners Glenville Schmidt of St. Eustatius and Chris Johnson of Saba signed a covenant with Dutch caretaker Minister of Education, Culture and Science Marja van Bijsterveldt-Vliegenthart on Wednesday, sealing their June 27 …

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Islands secure agreements for social economic impulse

Delegations of the Dutch public entities Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba were able to secure various agreements with the individual Dutch Ministries this week which will give a social economic impulse on the islands and as such directly benefit the people. Some of the issues that agreements were made on …

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Changes to Constitution come after evaluation public entities

Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba need no longer be worried that their constitutional status will be anchored in the Dutch Constitution anytime soon. The Constitution can only be amended at the earliest in 2017, long after the general evaluation of the islands’ public entity status in 2015. The law proposal …

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Voting rights of foreigners public entities still a dilemma

Voting rights for non-Dutch nationals in Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba remain a dilemma for The Hague. The proposal to amend the Dutch Constitution doesn’t include a definite solution for the issue of the influence that this group of foreign citizens may indirectly have on the First Chamber of the …

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No ceremony for 10-10-10

Saba chose not to mark the two-year anniversary of Saba’s transition into the new constitutional status as a public entity of The Netherlands. Service Caribbean Netherlands (RCN) marked the day instead as “Appreciation Day” for its workers and it will be celebrated next week with the visit of RCN Director, …

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EEZ Commission convenes on Saba

The marine biodiversity and fishery management in the waters of the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the Kingdom in the Dutch Caribbean will be discussed on Saba, October 11 and 12. The so-called EEZ Commission involved with this consists of delegates from each island of the Dutch Caribbean and Ministry …

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Global Health Seminar at Medical School

Saba University School of Medicine organised a “Global Health Seminar” last week, during which students had the opportunity to present their medical experiences within various settings around the world. Presenting students during the seminar came from all semesters and, most importantly, from various backgrounds. The seminar’s goal was to raise …

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Labour force survey in Caribbean Netherlands

Central Bureau for Statistics (CBS) Caribbean Netherlands is to conduct a labour force survey on Bonaire, Saba and St. Eustatius. The objective of the survey is to measure developments in the labour market. The survey is carried out every other year. This year, the survey will also be carried out …

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Sea&Learn lecture by doctoral candidate

Doctoral candidate with the Guadeloupe Laboratory of Marine Biology Charlotte Dromard presented her thesis research on herbivorous damselfishes during a Sea and Learn lecture at the Saba Coffee House in The Bottom on Sunday. Live music was performed by Sea and Learn volunteers Luann Andrew, Scott Kinyon and Jerry Williams, …

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Defence cuts having less effect on islands

At least once a year the highest boss of the Royal Navy comes to the Dutch Caribbean for a working visit. Last week vice-admiral Matthieu Borsboom was on board station ship Van Amstel that is currently touring the islands. As known, the Defence Ministry in The Netherlands must economise structurally …

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Child removed from Saba to correctional institution

Chief of Police Herman Oosterveen explained the role of the police in enforcing a court decision to remove a child off-island. He said the police assisted Youth and Family Centre (YFC) on Monday, to implement a court decision to place a 15-year-old boy in a correctional institution on Curaçao. The …

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