Monday , September 16 2024

Saba News Archive: News Items

Efficient payment system in Caribbean Netherlands

A workgroup of the Dutch Central Bank, the Dutch and island governments, banks, Chambers of Commerce, business, industry and retail sectors, utility companies, and the police took several measures to create a more efficient payment system in the Caribbean Netherlands. Since the constitutional reform of October 10, 2010, the Dutch …

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Health lecture follows Lions Club fundraiser

A well-attended public health awareness event organized by Saba Health Care Foundation (SHCF) took place Saturday evening, following a fundraiser by Saba Lions Club. The two events are part of the general drive of local community-based organizations to create synergy in serving the community. The lecture on prostate diseases, with …

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Schengen visa on St Maarten for foreign residents

The Cabinet of the Governor in St. Maarten will be able to issue Schengen visa for foreign residents of St. Eustatius and Saba for a number of countries in Europe in the near future. The Dutch “public entities” will not have their own visa windows. That is the word from …

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Election: campaign nears climax, parties emphasise divisions

With just two days to go before the Netherlands elects a new 150-seat lower house of parliament, and polls suggesting a two-way race for the prime minister’s job, party leaders are again out in force to get their message across. Opinion polls show the right-wing VVD and Labour party PvdA …

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D66 wants more info on tax burden

The democratic D66 party in the Second Chamber of Dutch Parliament is not satisfied with the answers of caretaker State Secretary of Finance Frans Weekers to their questions about the consequences of the new tax regime on the economy of St. Eustatius and Saba. “The people are feeling the consequences …

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Schippers:”Health care on islands is always fragile”

Edith Schippers (48), number 2 on the slate of the conservative VVD party, would love to continue as Minister of Public Health, Wellbeing and Sports in a next Dutch cabinet. She has already done a lot to improve health care on Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba, but there is more …

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PvdA – VVD

Could Diederik Samsom be the next Dutch prime minister? The question would have seemed preposterous even two weeks ago when his Labour PvdA party was languishing in the opinion polls. But with less than a week to go before the Dutch vote in a general election on September 12, Labour …

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Hachchi (D66): Elections are relevant to the islands

Certain segments of the community on the Caribbean Netherlands islands may advise against participating in the upcoming Dutch elections, but for Member of the Dutch Parliament’s Second Chamber and number twelve on the democratic D66 party slate Wassila Hachchi (32) it is clear: people should vote, because the elections are …

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Tom van ’t Hof leads an aquaponics experiment

The preparations of an aquaponics experiment by marine biologist Tom van ’t Hof reached its final phase with support from the Organoponics Garden on The Level, managed by Foundation Social Workplace Saba, and Comprehensive School students. Aquaponics is an integration of aquaculture and hydroponics; a combination of fish and plant …

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Talks about pensions and social benefits

The general old age pension and social benefits will be topics of discussion during the so-called Caribbean Netherlands Week to be held in October in The Hague. During the Dutch Caribbean Week, the Island Governments of Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba will be holding consultations and discussions with Dutch ministers …

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PVV wrongly claims €13,000 from Brussels for euro report: tv show

Geert Wilders anti-immigration PVV, which is campaigning in the current election on an anti-European ticket, wrongly claimed money from Brussels for a report on the euro, according to current affairs show Reporter. Friday night’s broadcast will show how the PVV broke European rules by declaring the costs of the research …

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Dutch cabinet rejects Bosman (VVD) law proposal

Dutch cabinet is distancing itself from the law initiative of the Dutch Parliament’s Second Chamber to restrict the registration of deprived, poorly educated Antilleans in The Netherlands. Dutch caretaker Minister of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations Liesbeth Spies made it very clear during an information session with the Antillean community …

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Details of OCaN dialogue with minister

People from Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba living The Netherlands attending a gathering in The Hague with Dutch caretaker Minister of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations Liesbeth Spies on Wednesday evening were very clear on what they thought was going wrong with the islands. The intention of the gathering organiser, …

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