Monday , September 16 2024

Saba News Archive: News Items

Election: Purple dawn – Labour closes the gap on the Socialists

A strong performance in two televised debates this week has placed the Labour party just one seat behind the Socialists in a new poll, leading some pundits to suggest the Netherlands could be heading for a new ‘purple’ coalition. After being largely written off earlier in the campaign, the new …

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Dutch politician says rape “seldom leads to pregnancy”

The leader of a Dutch Christian fundamentalist party has said that women who are raped seldom become pregnant. Asked whether he agreed with remarks by US congressman Todd Akin, who believes that women have a natural defence mechanism that prevents them from becoming pregnant if they are raped, SGP leader …

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Dutch populist leader takes aim at EU _ and flops

With his mane of platinum-blond hair, Geert Wilders rose to prominence by hammering away at a hardcore anti-Islam message. Now, as the Netherlands heads into elections with economic crisis raging across the continent, Wilders has taken aim at a different target: the European Union. But this time, the populist firebrand’s …

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Mind landscapes at Peanut Gallery

Peanut Gallery in Windwardside will be holding its first exhibition of the new season featuring local artist Stacey Simmons’ latest work. Gallery’s manager Gersh Geenty extends an open invitation to all residents and visitors to an opening night reception at The Peanut Gallery in Lambee’s Place, Windwardside, today Saturday, 7:00-9:00pm. …

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Saba Comprehensive School students complete Cove Bay mural

Under the direction of arts teacher Stacey Simmons and former resident artist Joan Bourque the students of the Saba Comprehensive School took on and finished a large mural art project at the Cove Bay building. In the The Daily Herald choose to use a whole page to report on the …

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Red Cross got emergency training

The Saba and St. Eustatius Red Cross Chapters came together on Saba for an intensive Emergency First Responder training March 23–25. The training resulted in Saba and Statia Red Cross each having four graduates per chapter. These are Beatrix Heyliger, Ricardo Carty, Tony Hughes, Arlene Spanner-Schmidt, Janet Hassell, Movida Williams, …

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Saba receives grant to revitalize Queen Wilhelmina Park

The Island Government of Saba has received a grant from the BES Liveability Fund to revitalize the Queen Wilhelmina Park in the Bottom, adjacent to the Governor’s Mansion. This project was unanimously approved for a grant, based on a proposal submitted by the Executive Council to the organizations responsible for …

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St. Maarten Government opts for dollarization

The future of the Central Bank of Curacao and St.Maarten is uncertain at this moment with both countries reassessing its feasibility. On Wednesday Prime Minister Sarah Wescot-Williams again emphasized the fact that the two countries have not been able to reach common ground on a number of issues but said …

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Police Station given a makeover

Chief of Police Durk Hiemstra gave a guided tour of the renovation and upgrading of the Saba Police Station, in The Bottom, on Thursday. Work on the Police cells is being conducted simultaneously with renovation of the building that will house the Prosecutor’s Office, the building behind the Police Station, …

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Fundraising event by Saba Girls Run

The young, determined members of the Saba Girls Run march on with their plans for a fundraising carwash and barbeque event, to support their goal of taking a group daytrip to a neighbouring island. The fundraising event will be held at the campus parking lot of Saba University School of …

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Inflation on St. Maarten soared to 5,2% last year

The consumer price index increased by 2.6 percent in February when compared to that of December 2011. The price index recorded in February is 120.5. When comparing average consumer prices over a twelve month period (Feb. 2011 to Feb. 2012), an increase of 5.2 percent was recorded compared to the …

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Islands sign agreement improvement teachers’ salaries

On Tuesday March 27th and Wednesday March 28th Commissioners of Education, school boards of the Dutch Caribbean, representatives of the Saban education personnel and the teachers unions of Bonaire and St. Eustatius have placed their signature under an agreement “Harmonization and improvement salary structure and implementation standard working year education …

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Stolte to hold appointment hour for Saban residents

The Representative of the Dutch Central Government on Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba (De Rijksvertegenwoordiger), Mr. Wilbert Stolte, will be visiting Saba for regular political and administrative consultations with the representatives of the Island and Executive Councils March 31st – April 3rd, 2012.  During his visit to Saba Stolte will …

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Dutch Libraries unite in association

Cooperation between libraries and knowledge centres on Aruba, Curaçao, St. Maarten, , Bonaire, St.Eustatius, Saba and in Suriname took a big step forward with the establishment of the Dutch Caribbean Library Association. The library association was formally established during the fourth Dutch Caribbean Library seminar, which took place March 14-16 …

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Isolated case of head lice under control

The head of Public Health department Dr. Gijs Koot assured that the case of head lice last week at Sacred Heart Primary School was isolated and is under control. The department investigated the case last week. One family with three children contracted head lice and had already treated the children …

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