Monday , September 16 2024

Saba News Archive: News Items

Increased challenges in police work Caribbean Netherlands

Since 2010, the circumstances under which the Caribbean Netherlands Police Force KPCN has to work have changed: the population on the islands has grown, more tourists are visiting and vio­lence/crime has increased. Dutch Minister of Justice and Security Ferd Grapper­haus stated this in a letter that he sent to the …

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Dutch defence forces to hold Caribbean exercise

The Dutch Navy, Air Force and Army will all be participating in a “Caribbean Coast” hu­manitarian assistance exer­cise in St. Maarten, St. Eu­statius, Saba, Curacao and Bonaire, September 9-19. The training will also ad­dress structuring good cri­sis communication as well as maintaining order and security in case of a natural …

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Ombudsman researchers in Saba, Statia next week

Researchers of the National Om­budsman for the Caribbean Netherlands will be available in Saba, St. Eustatius and Bonaire to assist people with any problems they may have with the government. There will be consultation hours, the researchers will visit people’s homes to discuss the problems they have and, wher­ever possible, …

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Bosman seeks clarity on decolonisation process

Member of the Second Chamber of the Dutch Parliament André Bosman of the liberal democratic VVD party on Monday submitted a series of technical questions to the Dutch government about the decolonisation process of the Dutch Caribbean islands. The so-called “Written Statement of the Kingdom of the Netherlands” of February …

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Questionnaire on single-use plastic ban on Saba

The Public Entity Saba is developing a ban on single-use plastic and Styrofoam, to be implemented in 2020, with the aim to reduce the overall amount of plastic waste and limit environmental pollution. The input of the local community will help to determine the final set-up of this ban. We would very much appreciate …

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Van Ark confirms commitment to social minimum benchmark

Dutch State Secretary of Social Affairs and Labour Tamara van Ark says establishing the benchmark for the so­cial minimum for Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba is a next step to make the life of people on the islands bet­ter. “The benchmark for the social minimum gives a di­rection to our …

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Two suspects convicted of soft-drug possession

Two men were on trial in Saba on Tuesday for possession of soft drugs. Both suspects had previ­ously been convicted for possession of drugs. Both men were convicted by the judge in the Court of First Instance. One man was sentenced to 60 days in prison, with deduction of the …

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SABARC and Leiden University presented new findings of Saba’s Amerindian history

Saba Archaeological Center SABARC co-founder and Leiden University graduate Ryan Espersen, together with Leiden University profes­sors Corinne Hofman and Menno Hoogland, held a public presentation at Scout’s Place in Windward-side on Monday, discussing new findings and interpre­tations of Saba’s Amerin­dian history. The trio discussed ways of life at Plum Piece, …

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Five approved auditor’s reports in a row for Saba

The public entity Saba has received an approved auditor’s report on its 2018 annual account, the Committee for Financial Supervision CFT noted in an August 7 letter in response to the second execution report. This is the fifth consecutive year that Saba has received an approved auditor’s report on its …

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Coast Guard collaborates in search and rescue operation

Last Thursday the Rescue and Coordination Center of the Dutch Caribbean Coast Guard received a notification from substation SXM that a vessel with the name ‘INTEGRITY’ had sunk between SXM and Anguilla. The vessel was light blue in color and onboard was one male who had gone missing. A Metal …

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Dog training session a success in Saba

Dog owners in Saba had the opportunity on Saturday to participate in a dog training session provided by Jazmine “Jaz” Vergara. A group of Saban dog owners turned up for the meet-and-greet, and were elated with the tips to keep a happy, healthy and loyal dog. Vergara, who works as …

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Pilot started for exchange of information during disasters

The Public Entity Saba on Thursday, August 1, started a pilot on information management during crises with the Ministry of Justice and Safety. Reliable and fast exchange of information with the ministries in the Netherlands is critical in cases of disaster, such as a hurricane. Saba took the initiative to …

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CBS predicts increase of 400 residents on Saba by 2030

According to the latest forecast by Statistics Netherlands (CBS), the population of the three islands of the Caribbean Netherlands is expected to grow further from 25 thousand currently to 30 thousand by 2030. The number of older inhabitants will increase in particular. The population forecast projects the most likely scenario …

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Big boulder crashes down from Paris Hill

A large boulder came down from Paris Hill on Sunday evening and hit a family home in The Bot­tom. No one was injured in the incident. The crashing rock caused a large hole in one of the dwelling’s outer walls and damaged part of the kitchen and a window. This …

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