Thursday , September 19 2024

Saba News Archive: News Items

Saba schools personnel’s salary to increase per January 1, 2019

A new Agreement on the Terms of Employ­ment was signed on Mon­day for all school person­nel in Saba. The agreement includes a 3.4 per cent increase of gross salaries which goes into effect on January 1, 2019. Representatives of the Dutch Ministry of Educa­tion, Culture and Science OCW, the Public …

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Thom de Graaf to Dutch Caribbean

New Council of State Vice-President Thom de Graaf will visit the three Windward Islands from January 20 to 22, 2019. De Graaf will start his visit to the Dutch Caribbean in Curacao where he will arrive on January 17. The follow­ing two days he will visit Bonaire and Aruba, before …

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Beautification initiative to prepare for Saba Day, tourist season

The Saba Government has started a general clean-up and beautification initiative in anticipation of Saba Day and the tourist season. In consultation with Commissioner Bruce Zagers, the Public Works Department has started preparations to carry out the project in the different locations. A number of areas have been identified and …

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Erasing the stigma of vocational education at C-VET conference in Saba

Some 60 participants from the six Dutch Caribbean islands, the Netherlands, Barbados and Jamaica took part in the second Caribbean Vocational and Trade Schools Network (C-VET) conference in Saba on Monday. Main focus was the Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ) and its implementation in Saba and St. Eustatius. Saba Commissioner of …

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SCS students receive Student Handbook

Fourth and fifth form students of the Saba Comprehensive School (SCS) on Friday received the Student Handbook 2018-2019, compiled by the Public Entity Saba, to assist them with their tertiary studies. At hand to personally present the handbooks was Saba Island Secretary Tim Muller, acting on behalf of Commissioner of …

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UNICEF leads Caribbean Netherlands Children’s Rights study

In the coming period, UNICEF Netherlands, together with local parties, is conducting research into the rights of children on Bonaire, St. Eustatius, and Saba, looking at what has been achieved in recent years and what can be improved. Together with local and national government representatives, local experts and other parties, …

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Saba keeps progressing on waste management

The Saba government is progressing with the further improvement of waste man­agement. A big step forward is the new, modern air bumer of ROI Envirosaver which should become operational after Jan­uary 2019. It burns much more effectively and efficiently, can handle a lot more volume, and very importantly, should produce …

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Saba hosts meeting to prepare for BES(t) 4 Kids program

Saba hosted a work meeting on Wednesday and Thursday to further prepare for the start of the BES(t) 4 Kids day care and after school care program for Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba in January 2019. Representatives of the Public Entities Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba, and of the Ministries …

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Saba Electric Company employees pass electrical/mechanical course

Last week Friday, members of Saba Electric Company’s (SEC’s) pro­duction department re­ceived certificates for their successful completion of a two-part training course as part of the company’s pol­icy to keep its powerplant workers certified and up to date in the field of electric­ity production. The training was given by mechanical …

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4 MPs to attend Saba Day Dec. 7

Four Members of St. Maarten’s Parliament (MPs), one from each faction in parliament, will be travelling to sister island Saba for the Saba Day celebrations, which will be observed on Friday, December 7. MPs decided during a meeting of the Central Committee of Parliament to maintain the customary number of …

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Shark finning legislation for Caribbean Netherlands

The Dutch government is preparing legislation to forbid the finning of sharks and the trading of this animal in Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba, Minister of Agri­culture, Nature and Food Quality Carols Schouten announced on Monday in response to written ques­tions from Member of the Second Chamber of the Dutch …

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JGCN breaks silence during Week against Child Abuse

“See, Say, Stop!” is the slogan of Youth Care and Family Guardianship JGCN during Week Against Child Abuse which will be taking place from today, Monday, November 19, until Sunday, No­vember 25. JGCN wants to break the silence around child abuse, be­cause no child deserves to be mistreated. “Almost every­one …

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PCN indexes pensions by two percent on January 1

Pensioenfonds Caribisch Nederland (PCN) will increase the pensions with 2% per January 2019. This was decided in a Board meeting which took place last week on Bonaire. In the meantime, the intended increase has also been approved by the Supervisory Board and the Advisory and Accountability Council (AVO). The decision …

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