Wednesday , March 12 2025

Low turnout in Saba for secret service referendum

As expected, the turnout was low for Wednes­day’s referendum on the new law on the secret services, also known as “sleepwet” in the Netherlands. People, who did come out to vote, complained about a lack of information.

Citizens could also vote by letter at the Dutch repre­sentations in Aruba, Curacao and St. Maarten.

The communications department of Dutch Govern­ment Service Caribbean Netherlands RCN was as­signed by the Dutch Ministry of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations with the task to inform voters in Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba about the referendum.

No comments were available Wednesday on the criti­cism expressed by Sabans about the lack of informa­tion, Caribbean Network news website reported Fri­day.

“The problem, I think, on Saba is that we are far away from the mainland. We actually miss a lot. An­other problem is that English is the spoken language on Saba and a lot of information was only available in Dutch since it’s a Dutch law,” English teacher Rhian­non Jorna told Caribbean Network.

The Daily Herald.

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One comment

  1. What is the solution?