Thursday , September 19 2024

Saba News Archive: News Items

State secretary  Knops visits St. Maarten, St. Eustatius and Saba

State secretary Knops (Interior and Kingdom Relations)  is visiting the three Windward Islands from Monday, November 27 th, until Sunday,  December 3rd .The visit is divided intwo parts. From November 27th until November 30th, the State Secretary first has his own program. Afterwards, he accompanies his Majesty the King and …

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Dutch Parliament supports hurricane-proof rebuilding

The Second Chamber of the Dutch Parlia­ment supports a hurricane-proof and sustainable construction of buildings in the Windward Is­lands in the reconstruction period after Hurricane Irma. Parliament adopted a motion to this extent on Tuesday. All parties in the Second Cham­ber, except for the Party for Free­dom PVV, supported the …

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Saba, Statia not forgotten in recovery, says Knops

Dutch State Secretary of Kingdom Relations Raymond Knops assured during the plenary handling of the draft 2018 budget for Kingdom Rela­tions in the Second Cham­ber of the Dutch Parliament that St. Eustatius and Saba will not be forgotten in the reconstruction efforts of the Windward Islands fol­lowing Hurricane Irma. “We have …

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Durable goods arrived for Statia hurricane victims

Durable goods to help victims of hurricanes Irma and Maria arrived recently on St. Eustatiusnday. The Unit of Social Affairs (SZW) has started the immediate distribution of the goods (refrigerators, beds, fan and stoves) in the second week of November to those persons who have already completed the application process. …

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Fundraising creates a new horizon for Maritsa

Maritsa Riley is one of the unfortunate residents of Saba, who lost her roof and most of her belongings during Hurricane Irma. Maritsa lived in her house in St. Johns with her one year old son and eleven year old daughter and another cousin she was taking care of. Sea …

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Labour Inspection tightens illegal employment enforcement

The Labour Inspection’s enforcement regime will change as from January 1st, 2018. Where in the past the Labour Inspection issued a warning first, the Labour Inspection will now immediately issue an official report for violations of the Wet arbeid vreemdelingen BES (hereinafter Wav BES [BES Labour Law Foreigners]). The Labour …

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Labour Inspection tightens illegal employment enforcement

The Labour Inspection’s enforcement regime will change as from January 1st, 2018. Where in the past the Labour Inspection issued a warning first, the Labour Inspection will now immediately issue an official report for violations of the Wet arbeid vreemdelingen BES (hereinafter Wav BES [BES Labour Law Foreigners]). The Labour …

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Microfinancing from Qredits now available for Saba

The Chamber of Commerce Saba and Statia is happy to announce the introduction of Qredits on Saba. Qredits is a foundation that supports you as an entrepreneur to successfully start or invest in your business. This they accomplish by providing unique tools for writing your business plan, personal mentoring and the …

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Saba payment deferral by no means a cancellation

A defer­ral to repay the interest-free loans for next year does not mean the Saba Government will not have to make any more payments at all. Dutch State Secretary of Kingdom Relations Raymond Knops stated in a letter on Tuesday in response to written questions submitted by Member of the …

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CBS: On Saba 27% of working population employed in Public Sector

CBS: Public sector largest employer Caribbean Netherlands According to a survey by Statistics Netherlands (CBS), the Caribbean Netherlands’ largest employer is the public sector. The Caribbean Dutch government employs more than 1.9 thousand people, i.e. 15 percent of all people in work on the three islands. In 2016, 10.7 thousand …

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Reconstruction of damaged houses on Saba will start soon

Yesterday, Monday, November 6th, the Island Governor met on behalf of the Executive Council, with the homeowners and tenants of homes which sustained the most damage during hurricanes Irma and Maria. The meeting was aimed to inform them about the procedure for reconstruction. This week, the planning bureau will have …

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Annual report Kingdom representative 2016 (in Dutch)

  Inleiding Voor u ligt de voortgangsrapportage over het jaar 2016. Een jaar dat in het teken stond van de bevindingen van de ‘Commissie evaluatie uitwerking van de nieuwe staatkundige structuur Caribisch Nederland’, de commissie Spies, die haar rapport in oktober het jaar ervoor had gepresenteerd. De commissie deed geen aanbevelingen, maar maakte de balans …

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The Saba Fire Department has a new test leader for physical tests  

It is important for fire department employees to be physically and medically fit to do their job. This is why firefighters periodically undergo a new job-specific examination. In order to realise this, nine employees of the CN Fire Department (Brandweer Korps CN, hereinafter BCKN) were trained as test leaders for …

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Jan Helmond appointed as acting Dutch representative

Former Island Secretary of St. Eustatius Jan Helmond has been appointed Acting Dutch Government Representative (Rijksvertegenwoordiger.) Helmond’s temporary appointment will start on Wednes­day, November 8. The Kingdom Council of Ministers ap­proved Helmond’s appointment on recommendation of State Secretary of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations Raymond Knops. Currently, there is no …

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Traffic controls  Saba

On Wednesday, November 1st, between 7:00 and 8:45 in the morning, traffic checks were conducted at The Fort Street and E.A. Johnson Road. A total of 21 vehicles were checked and a total of 9 fines were issued for, among others, failure to show a valid insurance certificate and a …

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