Thursday , September 19 2024

Saba News Archive: News Items

PvdA proposes family allowance for islands

The Labour Party PvdA in the Second Chamber of the Dutch Parliament will present an amendment next week to introduce an allowance for families with children (kinderbijslag) on Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba of US $38 per month per child. This reports The Daily Herald. The proposal to introduce a …

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Households and Business to be Charged Garbage Collection Fee

As of November 1st, households and businesses will be charged a Garbage Collection Fee. The fee is charged to compensate for the collection and processing of all the garbage on the island. It is in line with the Island Ordinance passed by Island Council in the meeting of October 3rd, …

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Garbage Fee Saba comes on our electricity bill

The Saba Electric Company has send an email to its clients informing them about a decision of the Island Council. The letter reads as follows: As of November 1, 2014 the Garbage Fee Saba will go into effect. The Garbage Fee, which was approved by Island Ordinance in the Island …

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Antillians still top Dutch crime charts

The Daily Herald reports today that persons of Dutch Caribbean descent, commonly referred to as Antilleans, still lead the crime charts in the Netherlands. Persons of the first generation of this ethnic group are more often a suspect of a crime than persons of the second generation born in the …

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Rise in suspected chikungunya cases on St. Maarten

The Daily Herald writes today that an increase has been reported in the number of suspected chikungunya cases in Dutch St. Maarten since the recent heavy rains. Section Head of the Health Ministry’s General Health Care department Maria Henry told The Daily Herald on Wednesday, that prior to October the …

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Saba Health Care Foundation and Old Age Home plan a merger

In a joint press release, the Benevolent Foundation Saba (BFS) and Saba Health Care Foundation announced that they have signed an intention to merge. There are a lot of developments taking place in health care; developments that have an impact on the way BFS provides care. The Home wants to …

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Evaluation Committee gets first impressions on Saba

The Daily Herald reports today on the visit of the Evaluation Committee to Saba. The Committee is to prepare the evaluation of the current status of Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba as public entities of the Netherlands. The Committee, headed by Liesbeth Spies, arrived in Saba on Sunday. Their first …

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“History of the CXC” to be launched December 2

The Daily Herald writes that a chronicling the forty years since the establishment of the Caribbean Examinations Council CXC will be launched during a ceremony at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel in Kingston, Jamaica, on Tuesday, December 2. Entitled “A History of the Caribbean Examinations Council, 1973-2013” , the book was …

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Saba aims for equal pension rights and less bureaucracy.

The site Caribisch Netwerk reports that “The fundamental question we want answered in during the evaluation of the political innovations Netherlands is, ‘is Saba really a part of the Netherlands?’ ” said Commissioner Chris Johnson. Last Monday evening, during the ‘Meet & Greet’, he passed the message to the Evaluation …

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Nichalin Martina takes over at Tax Department

The Daily Herald reports that, as of November 1, Nichalin Martina has become the new director of the Tax Department Caribbean Netherlands, which is part of the Tax and Customs Administration of the European Netherlands. Martina succeeds Angel Bermudez, who left the department in June. This is not Martina’s first …

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Tricia Chammaa to publish her second childrens book

The Daily Herald reports today that entrepreneur Tricia Chammaa, owner of Brigadoon Restaurant in Windwardside, is to publish her new book Bully Billy on Wednesday, November 18, at De la Rosa fashion store in Windwardside. This is the second of a total of seven books to be published over the …

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Carlos Leverock laid to rest on Saba

The Daily Herald reports that fire fighter in Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba, Carlos Leverock, who passed away after an illness at the age of 41, was interred in Saba on Saturday. A memorial service was held at Sacred Heart Church in The Bottom. Leverock, also known on Statia as …

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Health insurance changes per January 1

As per January,1 2015, Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport Edith Schippers has implemented several changes regarding the reimbursement for dental care, orthodontics, physiotherapy and exercise therapy, and in the screening programme for newborns. The BES Healthcare Insurance Claims Regulation (Regeling Aanspraken Zorgverzekering BES (RAZ BES)) stipulates which healthcare claims …

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