Friday , September 20 2024

Saba News Archive: News Items

Statia, Saba on the right track with green energy

St. Eusta­tius and Saba are doing well in the area of generat­ing energy in a sustainable manner. In St. Eustatius 46 per cent of the electricity is sustainably generated and in Saba this percentage is currently at 20, but will in­crease to 40 by early 2019. The second phase of …

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Parliament wants to know why islands were left out

The Second Chamber of the Dutch Parlia­ment demanded clarity from the Dutch government on Tuesday as to why the families in Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba are not benefitting from the additional one billion euros that will become available for the child allowance, the child day-care allowance and the child-related …

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Directors and board members Caribbean Netherlands in The Hague

Last week, board members and directors of the educational institutes of the Caribbean Netherlands visited The Hague. The purpose of the visit was to talk with various policy advisers about the further improvement of the quality of education on the islands. Minister Arie Slob of OCW also joined. Eveliene Coenen, …

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Realtor Saba Island Properties opens shop in Windwardside

It is four years ago now that realtor Saba Island Properties installed their first display case at ‘Swinging Doors’ in Windwardside. The company is growing and expanding with Rentals and Sales of Land and Homes.   This required  renovation and they expanded their space with a new boutique. They have installed new, bigger, state-of-the-art …

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The Public Entity Saba trained enforcers

The Public Entity Saba had some of the employees trained to become enforcers. These employees took the so-called “Buitengewoon Ambtenaar van Politie” (special agent of the police) course. In the upcoming weeks, they are expected to be appointed as a special agents of the police. The Public Entity now has …

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Islands’ teachers’ pension rectified

The pen­sion rights of some 150 (partly retired) teachers and other employees of schools in Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba have been restored thanks to the Dutch Min­istry, of Education, Culture and Science which has made 2.7 million euros available for this group. Dutch State Secretary of Home Affairs and …

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National Ombudsman to Windward Islands

Showing his support and having the best interest of the people of the Windward Islands at heart, Dutch National Ombudsman Reinier van Zutphen will be visiting St. Maarten, St. Eustatius and Saba starting this Sunday. Van Zutphen, who vis­its the islands regularly because as National Om­budsman he is responsible for …

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Saba hosts Lions and Leos Zone 2B meeting

Lions president Glenn Pileo hosted the third Advisory Zone 2B meeting his past weekend on the ‘Unspoiled Queen.” More than 63 Lions and Leos from Zone 2B, including St. Maarten, Saba, St. Eustatius and Anguilla, came together for informational meetings, fellowship and a strengthen­ing of already tight bonds. Li­ons from …

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Training project for Saba, Statia school management

School principals, vice-principals and management team members in Saba and St. Eustatius have com­pleted a training project for school management and were awarded certifications in management, leadership and coaching for high perfor­mance. The course was facilitated by Natasha Gittens of Training Professionals International (TPI). The Primary Education Council PO-Raad initiated …

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Netherlands strengthened Pension fund PCN with 31 million USD

Government employers involved and the Stichting Pensioenfonds Caribisch Nederland (PCN) have agreed on measures to strengthen the pension fund Caribbean Netherlands The most important measure is that fund capital is strengthened by a total of $ 31 million. The agreement is the result of talks between PCN and the Ministry …

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Islands’ Penal Code on rape to be updated

The Ca­ribbean Netherlands Pe­nal Law will be adapted to make it punishable for rape and sexual abuse suspects to harm their victims while the latter’s consciousness is di­minished by the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. Dutch Minister of Justice and Security Ferd Grap­perhaus announced this in a letter he sent …

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6 in 10 Caribbean Dutch are overweight

One in six inhabitants of the Caribbean Netherlands are smokers, one in eight are heavy drinkers and over six in ten are overweight. Half of the population are getting sufficient exercise. Women smoke and drink much less than men, but are more likely to be obese and exercise less. These …

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