Friday , September 20 2024

Saba News Archive: News Items

Include Saban English at school, says Ted Johnson

To mitigate the threat to Saban English, more attention should be given to this unique island dialect in schools. Author Theodore “Ted” Johnson made this call during the presentation of his book “A Lee Chip, A Dictionary and Study of Saban English” at the Aruba House in The Hague last …

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Book week 2017

Commissioner Wilson officially opened Book week 2017, on Monday May 15th at the Sacred Heart School. The Commissioner encouraged each student to read daily, as this will broaden their vocabulary and knowledge. Book week is an annual event, hosted by the Queen Wilhelmina Library that promotes literacy (reading&writing). The theme …

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Plasterk gives Stern warning to Statia Government

Outgoing Dutch Minister of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations Ronald Plasterk on Friday sent a stern warning to the St. Eustatius Government: it has to abide by the law, and cannot just toss aside valid legislation and legal decisions. The Minister made it very clear in a letter that he …

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Town Hall meeting on Electricity & Drinking water law: Tuesday, May 16

Effective July 1st, 2016, a new Law Electricity and Drinking Water BES went into effect for Saba, St. Eustatius and Bonaire. Following consultation with relevant stakeholders, The Authority for Consumers & Markets (Autoriteit Consument & Markt, has set new tariffs for electricity which goes into effect July 1st, 2017. The …

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PCN explained pension fund situation on Statia

Monday, May 8th, the Pension Fund Caribbean Nether­lands, PCN, held an informative meeting on Statia for pensioners and (former) contributors to the fund about the recent pension reduction of 3.5 per cent. PCN’s board members Valdemar Marcha and Roy Hooker spoke on various topics related to the reduction during the meeting. …

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Preparations underway for Saba Carnival 2017

On Monday May 8th, members of the Saba Festival Foundation (SFF) met with safety stakeholders facilitated by the Public Entity Saba, to discuss their safety plan. In attendance were Julio Every (Chief of Fire Department), James Hassell (Fire Department), Koen Hulshof (Public Health), Krijn Pons (Policy Advisor for Social Affairs), …

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EU offers grants for young entrepreneurs: ERASMUS for Young Entrepreneurs

A not-to-be-missed “Learning-By-Doing” opportunity is on offer to a national from any Overseas Country and Territory* (name OCT – see list below) in Brussels, Belgium, to work with an experienced business person whose specialization is innovation. This is a great opportunity for an enthusiastic entrepreneur to learn more about the …

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Motor yacht Elsa declared to be a loss. Update May 6

On Monday, May 8, operations for the salvage of motor vessel Elsa will resume. The 48-metre luxury motor yacht ran aground at Ladder Bay on March 22. Rijkswaterstaat, an entity of the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment, has hired salvage company Koole-Mammoet to remove the vessel. This is the …

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Memorial Day 2017

Today as we commemorate Memorial Day, Government officials of Saba, civil servants and SCS students gathered at the monument in The Bottom. This is the monument dedicated to those who lost their lives during World War II. Members of the Island and Executive Councils, along with the SCS students laid …

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Grants for children groups in Caribbean Netherlands

Organisations in the Caribbean Netherlands (Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba) which have projects to boost children socially, via sports, culture and at school can apply for grants stemming from the one million euros extra per year made available by the Dutch Cabinet until 2021 to increase opportunities for children. Organisations …

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