Monday , September 16 2024

Saba News Archive: News Items

St. Maarten: More persons being tested for COVID-19

An addi­tional nineteen persons were tested for the coronavirus COVID-19 on Thursday, April 30, bringing the total number of persons tested up to 329, figures released by Prime Minister and Emer­gency Operations Center (EOC) Chairperson Silveria Jacobs show. On Wednesday, the total number of persons tested stood at 310. Jacobs …

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Parliament supports prolonging, phasing out Statia intervention

There is broad support in the Second Chamber of the Dutch Parliament for State Secretary of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations Raymond Knops’ law proposal to prolong the supervision on the St. Eustatius government while working towards phasing out the Dutch intervention. Parties represented in the Second Chamber still support …

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Active cases drop down to four on French side

Three more COVID-19 recoveries were reported on Thursday by regional health authority ARS. These were patients isolating at home. No new cases have been reported in St. Martin for over a week now. As of Wednesday, there were seven active cases: five at home and two in hospital. One of …

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COVID-19 curve in St. Maarten flattening as infection rate drops

The coronavirus COVID-19 curve in St. Maarten is flattening, with the infection rate plummeting to below 25 per cent. Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs said in a statement issued late last night that St. Maarten Medical Center’s (SMMC’s) Outbreak Management Team has reported that since the country went into a “state …

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St. Maarten: Active coronavirus cases dip below 20

The total number of active cases of COVID-19 in St. Maarten has dropped below twenty for the first time since April 3. There are now nineteen active cases because eleven persons recovered from the virus since the last official figures were announced on Monday. According to the latest figures released …

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Ten of the 13 COVID-19 deaths were immigrants who reported illness late

Ten of the thirteen persons who passed away from the coronavirus COVID-19 in St. Maarten were from the immigrant community, some of them undocumented with pre-existing conditions, who reported their illness to authorities late. Prime Minister and Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Chairperson Silveria Jacobs provided the information during the live …

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Wednesday, April 29: Status update Covid-19

Life as we’ve known it has changed, but together we continue to fight Covid-19. Don’t let your guards down, keep; practicing proper hand hygiene, staying safe at home, maintaining physical distancing and Please use times allowed to walk to do just that. Note: From now on, we are kindly requesting, …

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In 2018 Saba has less purchasing power than 2017

Residents of Saba and  Bonaire lost purchasing power relative to 2017. In contrast, St Eustatius once again recorded a rise in consumer purchasing power in 2018. The median increase was 2 percent relative to 2017. Statia’s low-income households benefited in particular, due to an additional increase in statutory minimum wages …

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Statia school may reopen on May 4th

A tenta­tive date of May 4 has been set for the reopening of schools in St. Eustatius. A final decision on this matter is expected to be made today, Wednesday, April 29, during a meeting with teachers and stakeholders in education. Deputy Government Com­missioner Alida Francis said Tuesday that the …

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Travel ban to Caribbean Netherlands until May 15

Flight restrictions for passengers travelling to Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba will remain in effect until at least May 15. Dutch Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management Cora van Nieuwenhuizen-Wybenga and Minister of Public Health, Well-being and Sport Hugo de Jonge recently informed the Second Chamber of the Dutch Parliament …

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