Monday , September 16 2024

Saba News Archive: News Items

Winair extends its closures into May

Due to gov­ernment’s extension of the lockdown, Windward Is­lands Airways International Winair said on Monday that its sales office and call cen­tre will remain closed until May 11, while all scheduled flights remain discontinued until further notice. The airline is still open for charter services. These can be performed every …

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Second Chamber seeks input from Statia on law proposal

The Sec­ond Chamber of the Dutch Parliament wants to secure the input of the people of St. Eustatius on the law pro­posal to restore the govern­ment of the island through an alternative, virtual pro­cess, befitting the situation caused by the coronavirus crisis. The Second Chamber’s Permanent Committee for Kingdom Relations …

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1 more positive case pushes total COVID•19 for Dutch side to 68

St. Maarten recorded one ad­ditional positive COVID-19 case on Monday, April 20, bringing the total number of positive cases to 68 and the current number of active cases to 46. Prime Minister and Chair­person of the Emergency Operations Center Silveria Jacobs said in a national ad­dress on Monday evening that …

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Three more positive cases, 1 more COVID-19 death for St. Maarten

St. Maarten has recorded three additional positive coronavirus COVID-19 cases and one additional death, bringing the total number of positive cases to 67 and total deaths to ten. The latest figures bring the number of active cases to 45 (two more than at last count). As of 1:00pm on Sunday, …

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April 18, 2020: Covid-19 status update

Covid-19 status update April 18, 2020 4 more test results in, all negative. Still good news, but this doesn’t mean that we let our guards down. Social distancing, good hand hygiene and the rules of the lockdown and curfew remain in place! GIS Saba

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Saba’s endemic iguana species recognized

Saba’s black melanistic iguana has been recognized as an endemic species. Although Sabans have a somewhat ambivalent relationship with their local ‘dragon’ which is known to ravage carefully tended veggie gardens, it arguably has been on the island long before humans and thus can claim its indigenous right of peaceful …

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Police control adherence to emergency measures

Caribbean Netherlands Police Force KPCN of­ficers have been carrying out controls in St. Eustatius and Saba in recent days to check residents’ compli­ance with the ban on social gatherings as mentioned in the emergency ordinances in connection with the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. A group of people who were barbecuing on …

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Saba extends curfew, fines to be handed out

The two-week man­datory lockdown in Saba, which went into force on Sunday, April 12, has been extended with immediate effect to include essential workers with a pass. All persons must now remain at home daily from 7:00pm to 6:00am, Island Governor Jonathan Johnson said Fri­day in his daily coronavirus COVID-19 …

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Public entity Statia introduces protocol for returning residents

The public entity St. Eustatius, in close collaboration and consultation with the Health Insurance Office ZVK and the Public Health Depart­ment GGD, has introduced a protocol outlining the procedure and rules under which persons can be grant­ed permission to enter the island. This protocol is in effect for the period …

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Air-ambulance evacuated two patients from Statia

A Queen Beatrix Medical Centre ambulance entered F.D. Roosevelt Airport in St. Eusta­tius on Friday, April 17, for the evacuation of a patient to St. Maarten. Shortly afterwards, an air ambulance touched down at the airport to transfer another emergency patient to Bonaire. Emergency flights and cargo shipments are the …

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