Thursday , September 19 2024

Saba News Archive: News Items

Six new COVID-19 cases on Dutch side, 7 now hospitalised

St. Maarten recorded six new COVID-19 cases on Thursday pushing the total number of cases to date to 63 and the number of active cases (persons currently battling the illness) to 41. Prime Minister and Chairperson of the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Silveria Jacobs said in a national address on …

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Joint message from the Executive Council and Island Council

  We are living in unprecedented times. For months we have watched as the virus called Covid-19 has wreaked havoc in countries, communities, and families far from our shores. We watched as borders closed and citizens were asked to stay home to protect not only themselves but also the most …

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Saba’s Red Cross helps with food distribution

Sadly, Covid-19 reached our beautiful Saba as well. Our wonderful new branch manager Ms. Melanie Marks and the branch president Gerald Simmons – de Jong helped the volunteers yesterday who have been putting themselves on the front line in delivering groceries. Since our island governor implemented much needed stay at home …

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St. Barths: A first Covid-19 test machine expected next week

Bruno Magras gave details in an interview with Martinique La 1re, Tuesday, April 14, on the progress of the screening project for the entire population. He said the first of four test machines was due “next week”. The other three must arrive “the first half of May”, says the President …

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French Side: New COVID-19 case on Tuesday, ARS reports

The number of active coronavirus COV­ID-19 cases on the French side increased by one again on Tuesday, regional heath authority ARS reported. This brings active cases up to seventeen. The latest case has been confined to home in isola­tion. There are now 12 cases at home and five in hos­pital, …

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Positive cases up by one for Dutch side

The number of positive coro­navirus COVI D-19 cases in Dutch St. Maarten went up by one on Tues­day, bringing the total number of positive cases to 53 and active cases to 39. According to figures from Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs, as of April 14 the total num­ber of persons in …

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Report: Coronavirus could hit black Dutch community hard

By Marvin Hokstam Being kept out of political and government decision-making processes could cause the black community of the Netherlands to be hit hard by COVID-19, the disease that is caused by the coronavirus. The media, the education system and the public health services will fall short, a report from …

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Caribbean Netherlands subsidy expected to attract 5,500 people

A roughly estimated 5,500 persons are expected to file a request for the temporary subsidy arrangement for wage cost and income loss for Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba within the next three months. Dutch Minister of Social Affairs and Labour Wouter Koolmees recently stated this in response to questions from …

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SZW already paid out 1000 requests for emergency regulation

Since the emergency regulation of SZW came into effect at the beginning of this month, requests have been received for more than two thousand persons on Bonaire, Saba and St. Eustatius. Half of these have already been paid out. In order to make this possible, employees of the RCN-unit SZW …

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