Thursday , September 19 2024

Saba News Archive: News Items

Press moment with Van Ark, Knops and Johnson.

Joint press moment, Tuesday, January 8th, 2019 with state Secretary Raymond Knops of the Ministry of Interior Affairs and Kingdom Relations, State Secretary Tamara van Ark of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour and the Island Governor of Saba Jonathan Johnson. Moderated by Sr. Communications Advisor Ms. Alida Francis.   GIS Saba

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Knops and Van Ark conclude visit to Saba

State Secretary of Interior and Kingdom Relations (Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties), Raymond Knops  and State Secretary for Social Affairs and Labour (Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid), Tamara van Ark, have concluded their working visit to Saba with much optimism for a continued good working relationship with the Public Entity. Besides visits …

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State Secretary Knops impressed with harbor project

Dutch State Secretary of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations Raymond Knops received an update on the Fort Bay Harbor project on Monday, January 7. The Dutch delegation also visited the harbor where Commissioner Bruce Zagers provided additional information. The State Secretary said he was impressed with the progress that has …

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State Secretary Knops visits renovated A.M. Edwards Medical Center

Dutch State Secretary of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations Raymond Knops paid a visit tot he newly renovated A.M. Edwards Medical Center on Monday, January 7, 2019. After a welcoming word by Island Governor Jonathan Johnson, Hospital Director Joka Blaauwboer gave an update on the extensive renovation which is almost …

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Doppers for Saba to reduce single-use plastic bottles

The Public Entity Saba intends to drastically reduce single-use plastics through several actions. The new water bottling plant, the reusable large water containers with dispensers, and the small reusable Dopper bottle play a significant role in this exercise which fits in Saba’s continued work as a green, sustainable destination. The …

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State Secretary Knops updated on Saba airport project

Upon his arrival in Saba on Monday, January 7, Dutch State Secretary of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations Raymond Knops received an update on the renovation project of the Juancho Yrausquin Airport. The State Secretary and his delegation were given a tour of the airport terminal. Commissioner Bruce Zagers gave …

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High rents leave tenants in Saba with few options

SABA—The lack of affordable housing remains a major chal­lenge for persons renting a house in Saba. “There is no informa­tion whatsoever available from the government about rights and responsibilities of landlords and tenants, so it’s kind of like the ‘wild west’,” said Rhiannon Jorna. “There is no rental commission in …

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More people are eligible for special social relief

The income threshold for receiving special social relief has been increased to 120% of the statutory minimum wage from 1 January 2019. The RCN unit Social Affairs and Employment (SZW) can help with special social relief if someone unexpectedly has to make a large and necessary expense and has no …

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New national park protects Saba’s precious nature, artifacts

Protected animals species such as the Saba black iguana, the bridled quail-dove, the red-billed tropicbird, the Audubon shearwater, the brown trembler bird, the red-bellied racer snake, bats and hummingbirds, but also the mountain mahogany tree and the artifacts of Mary’s Point and Plum Piece are now enjoying a protected status …

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