Friday , September 20 2024

Saba News Archive: News Items

Contribution to the “Unspoiled Queen

As yet another school year comes to an end, Commissioner of education Bruce Zagers (third left) attended the end-of the-year barbecue at Saba Comprehensive School. The students of the vocational sector handed over picnic tables and beach chairs they had made to the Public en­tity as their contribution to the …

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Saba Electric Company increases electricity tariff

In accordance with the Electricity and Drinking Water BES Law, Saba Elec­tric Company NV (SEC) will increase its variable dis­tribution tariff. This new tar­iff and the applicable rates will be effectuated as per July 1, for the second half of 2018. The variable tariff will increase from US $0.3208 per …

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Saba Executive Council meets with health office

Acting Island Gov­ernor of Saba Franklin Wilson, Commissioners Rolando Wilson and Bruce Zagers, Acting Island Sec­retary Raquel Granger, and Policy Advisor Piet Gerritsen met with repre­sentatives of Health Insur­ance Office ZVK to discuss several complaints recently made by patients who have travelled abroad for medi­cal treatment. These complaints ranged from the …

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Substantial improvements for residents BES islands

Residents of Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba need to get better. The costs of basic expenses such as rent, food and drink are high now for many people, in relation to their income. That is why the government is taking concrete measures to reduce poverty and improve employment. These measures …

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Full house at lecture by Oostindie, Veenendaal

Kingdom relations specialists Gert Oostindie and Wouter Veenendaal of the Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Carib­bean Studies KITLV drew a large audience during a lec­ture at the Ministry of Home Affairs and Kingdom Rela­tions BZK in The Hague on Thursday. KITLV Director and pro­fessor at Leiden University Oostindie …

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Chamber of Commerce not happy with discontinuation Qredits loans

Thuesday’s news of the discontinu­ation of the Qredits Soft Loan programme has led to dis­appointment among entrepreneurs and small businesses in Saba and St. Eustatius. “This programme has been a major alternative to requesting business loans through the com­mercial banks on the islands, where the possibility of receiv­ing loan assistance …

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Second Chamber to Windward Islands

Nine members of the Permanent Committee for Kingdom Relations of the Second Chamber of the Dutch Par­liament will visit the three Windward Islands from July 11 to 15. Key components during this extraordinary visit will be the reconstruction of St. Maarten after Hurricane Irma and the situation in St. Eustatius after …

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Islands present at Dutch municipalities congress

Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba attended the annual congress of the Association of Dutch Municipalities VNG in Maastricht earlier this week. On Tuesday, Saba Island Governor Jonathan Johnson gave a presentation about the crisis and disaster management plan of the Saba government, a plan that has received much praise for …

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One of the major highlights of this year’s 2nd Annual Saba Hospitality and Tourism conference slated for June 25 – 27, was an “Introduction to Hospitality and Tourism and How To Be the Best“ presentation specifically adapted for the high school students of the Saba Comprehensive school, that was held …

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Giles Quarter cleaned

From June 21 until June 23, the Dutch Marines were in Saba for their annual hurricane exercise in the region. Dur­ing this period, the Marines along with a group from the Public Works Department and civil servants of the Public Entity Saba cleaned up debris down at Giles Quarter. The …

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No authority for Saba as yet to grant work permits

Dutch State Secretary of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations Raymond Knops sent a letter to the Dutch Parliament on Tuesday about the work-permits procedure and the reduction of bureaucracy in Saba that seemed in direct contradiction to the Saba government’s endeavours to assume responsibility for granting work permits. In the …

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Drugs confiscated

On Tuesday June 26, 2018, the police department of Saba conducted a house search in a house situated in The Bottom, Saba. During this search the police confiscated a small amount of drugs. A man with the initials E.A.H of 33 years of age has been detained for further investigation. …

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Qredits discontinues soft-loan programme

Qredits, a social enterprise supporting entrepre­neurs, says it is forced to discon­tinue its soft loan programme for (starting) entrepreneurs in St. Maarten, Saba and St. Eustatius. Qredits received a budget for 90 loans from Ministry of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations BZK as part of the Early Recovery projects post-Hurricane …

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Decision-making on islands’ child allowance is pending

The deci­sion-making process regard­ing an increase in the child allowances for Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba has not been concluded as yet, and should be seen as separate from the one billion cures re­served to augment these al­lowances in the Netherlands per January 1, 2019. Dutch State Secretary of Home …

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