Friday , September 20 2024

Saba News Archive: News Items

Calypso Sound Splash at Juliana Sports Field

Calypso Sound Splash will take place at Princess Juliana Sports Field in The Bottom on Saturday, June 30. The show, organized by Mor­gan Entertainment Foun­dation, headed by Saba’s reigning Calypso King, Bob “The Man” Morgan. is not a competition but a display of local and regional Calyp­so talents. Calypso Sound Splash …

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Cooperating Funds conclude working visit to Saba, Static

The project advisor of the Coop­erating Funds for the Dutch Caribbean (Samenwerkende Fondsen Cariben (SFC)) in St. Maarten, which cater to St. Maarten, Saba and St. Eustatius in providing funding op­portunities for social endeavours, hosted a working visit and funding-information sessions on Saba and Statia. SFC was set up more …

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Parliament pushes for stringent financial supervision for islands

The Second Chamber of the Dutch Parliament has again made clear that it wants the financial supervision on the countries Aruba, Curaçao and St. Maarten and on the public entities Bonaire and St. Eustatius, executed by the Committee for Financial Supervision CFT, to be strict. Financial supervision was a main …

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Minister lauds Windward Islands law enforcement

Dutch Minis­ter of Justice and Security Ferd Grapperhaus on Thursday ex­pressed his deep appreciation for the law enforcement personnel in the Windward Islands, but also for the St. Maarten people who have shown such resilience after Hurricane Irma. He shared his positive message during a general debate with the Permanent …

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ACM adjusts maximum electricity tariffs for Bonaire, Statia and Saba

Th fuel needed to produce elec­tricity has become more expensive. That is why the Author­ity for Consumer and Markets (ACM) has increased the maximum rate that distributors Water and Energy Company WEB N.V. in Bonaire, St. Eustatius Utility Company N.V. STUCO and Saba Electric Company (SEC) N.V. may charge per …

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CSMA to boost Saba taxi drivers during course

In an effort to promote and amplify the ef­forts of the Saba Hospitality and Tourism Conference, Training Professional International Firm’s affiliate company Customer Service Mobile Academy (CSMA) will be spearheading a workshop on Wednesday, June 27, geared towards taxi drivers and their roles as ambassadors for the Saba community. In …

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Telecom in Saba and Statia to be more stable during crises

Telecommu­nication in St. Eustatius and Saba will become more reli­able in crisis situations with the placing of a satellite in­stallation for contact with the outside world in case a large natural disaster hits the Wind­ward Islands. Residents of St. Eustatius and Saba can rest assured that a means of communication …

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State Secretary Blokhuis visits the Caribbean on care and prevention

State Secretary Paul Blokhuis (VWS, Health, Welfare and Sport ) will visit a number of care facilities on the Windward Islands Saba and St. Eustatius from Thursday June 21st to Wednesday June 27th, 2018. All health care, elderly care and child welfare in the Caribbean Netherlands are the responsibility of …

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Saba Lions Club installs new Board of Directors

The Lions Club Saba held its annual turnover of the Board of Directors on Tuesday in the presence of club members, family and friends. The evening marked the be­ginning of a new Lionistic year for the incoming board. The 2018-2019 Club Directors are President Malusca Baker, Secretary/Treasurer Jessica Gumbs, Vice …

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Man convicted of scamming three Peruvian women in Saba

The Joint Court of Justice, on Wednes­day, sentenced a 51-year-old man to three months sus­pended, 100 hours of com­munity service, and payment of a US $4,500 fine for scam­ming three Peruvian women, who were staying illegally in Saba. Dozlyn Ira Pouchie Pouchie from Honduras was sen­tenced in November 2017 to …

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Poverty high on Saba delegation’s agenda

Poverty and establishing a social minimum for Saba are high on the agenda of the Saba Island Council delegation visiting The Hague this week. Creating more awareness of Saba’s social ills among Members of the Dutch Parliament and Dutch government officials is a key component.. To illustrate the issue of …

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DCNA visits Saba to promote sharks

Representa­tives of Dutch Caribbean Na­ture Alliance (DCNA) visit­ed Saba last week in relation to Shark Week. DCNA Am­bassador Jorgen Raymann and Secretary Ron van der Veer also visited Aruba and Curacao to raise awareness of the vital role that sharks play in the sea’s eco-system. While in Saba, Aruba and …

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Saba to host Second Hospitality and Tourism Conference on July 2-3

On July 2nd and July 3rd, Saba will host its second Hospitality and Tourism Conference. During the conference, topics that will be highlighted are the strengthening of regional relationships, an update from the tourism sector of St. Maarten, Saba’s recent agreement with Green Destinations and upcoming plans for becoming a …

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Restoration pension rights education sector completed

The “Pensioenfonds Caribisch Nederland”, PCN, has completed the investigation for the recovery of the individual pension rights of employees in the education sector. It concerns the pension rights which were partly not, or not properly, mentioned in the administration of the former pension fund APNA. After completing an extensive investigation, …

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