Friday , September 20 2024

Saba News Archive: News Items

New US Consul General for Dutch Caribbean

Margaret Hawthorne has been appointed as the new United States Consul General to Curaçao, and Chief of Mission to Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao, Saba, St. Eustatius and St. Maarten. Hawthorne is a career member of the US Foreign Service with 25 years of experience as a diplomat; assumed her duties as …

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May 4th 2016 wreath laying

  Government officials on Saba gathered at the monument in The Bottom dedicated to those who lost their lives during World War II. Members of the Island and Executive Councils as well as the Police Force laid wreaths at the monument. The laying of the wreaths was preceded by a …

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Basic quality for entire primary school education in Caribbean Netherlands

All 12 schools for primary education in the Caribbean Netherlands meet basic quality. This was established by the inspectors of the Education Inspectorate’s Caribbean Netherlands team following (quality inspections and) progress meetings which took place on St. Eustatius, Saba and Bonaire during the past two weeks. State Secretary Sander Dekkers …

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Saba Reach hosts exchange with Turkish High School

Saba Reach Foundation (SRF) hosted a cultural and educational exchange between a group of twelve Saban participants and their three group leaders and a group of twelve Turkish participants and their group leaders. The participants were a mix of students from SRF’s Youth Opportunity Path Programme, Saba Comprehensive School (SCS) …

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Rolando Wilson to become Saba's new Commissioner

Current Director of Own Your Own Home Foundation Rolando Wilson will be replacing Chris Johnson as Commissioner in Saba’s Executive Council on behalf of Windward Islands People’s Party (WIPM), writes The Daily Herald.   Johnson will be stepping down as Commissioner as of June 1 to take up a new …

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Impatient Parliament sets date for evaluation debate

In anticipation of the formal reaction of the Dutch Government to the report of the Caribbean Netherlands Evaluation Committee, the Second Chamber of the Dutch Parliament decided to set a date for a debate. Parliament’s Permanent Committee for Kingdom Relations is clearly getting impatient waiting for the promised cabinet’s response …

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National Ombudsman: “Number of complaints still rising”

National ombudsman Reinier van Zutphen again had the chance to accumulate many official complaints during his latest visit to the Caribbean Netherlands, which has now been concluded. All individuals who have a grievance with the government had the chance to make these known to Van Zutphen and his team. ‘We …

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SEC purchased parcel of land for solar park

On Friday the 29th of April 2016, at the offices of the civil law notary Ms. Faride Tjon Ajong, located in Philipsburg St. Maarten, the closing took place with respect to a parcel of land in the district of lower Zion’s Hill in Saba.This parcel of land is situated near …

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Commissioners discussed Dutch Cabinet's standpoint on Spiess report

The Commissioners of Constitutional Affairs of Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba met on Bonaire earlier this week to discuss the draft Dutch Cabinet’s standpoint on the Spies Committee re port, on the evaluation of five years on new constitutional ties between the three islands and the Netherlands. Saba’s Commissioner of …

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BKCN trainee shift leaders train in Europe

In order to ensure that all fire fighters can perform their job well and safely, BKCN invests a considerable amount of time and money in the professionalism of its staff. BKCN started the shift leaders’ training course in January. This is one of the toughest and most difficult training courses …

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Former SUSOM student gets six months for arson

A 29-year-old former student of Saba University School of Medicine (SUSOM) was sentenced Tuesday, on appeal to six months for attempted arson, mistreatment with a weapon, and threats directed against the life of a person. The Court of First Instance sentenced Peyman Homayouni-Nejad, who is of Iranian descent, to four …

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Man gets fine for traffic accident in Windwardside

The Court of Appeals, on Tuesday, sentenced a 23-year-old resident of Lower Hell’s Gate to payment of a US $168 fine, for causing a traffic accident in Windwardside on March 3, 2015, writes The Daily Herald. The suspect had appealed his conviction by the Court of First Instance, which had …

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