Friday , September 20 2024

Saba News Archive: News Items

PCN Establishes Investment Company Caribbean Netherlands

Pension Fund Caribbean Nederlands (PCN) today has founded the so called  Participatiemaatschappij Caribisch Nederland (PMCN) at the office of Notary Public, Kenneth Arends. PCN wants to use the investment company to give shape to its local investments. “For strategic reasons, we have chosen to set up a local investment vehicle”, …

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National Ombudsman to hold consultations in Saba, Statia

At the end of March, the repre­sentatives of the National Ombudsman are coming to the Caribbean Netherlands. During consultation hours they will receive complaints about the Government agencies in Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba. They can assist residents with problems with, for exam­ple, the Dutch Caribbean Tax Authorities, the Prosecu­tor’s …

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The Police notifies:

On Saturday, March 10th a man with initials S.S.J.G. was detained on Saba, regarding (heavy) abuse. On Sunday, March 11th  a man with the initials W.B.G. was detained at a house at Under the Hill Road on Saba, regarding threatening with a weapon. KPCN

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SCS meets WeConnect

Some 15 students of the 5th form of Saba Comprehensive School (SCS) were informed about studying abroad. Dahlia Hassell, a master student Marine Resources Management at Wageningen University and Research, visited her former high school during her holidays to give a personal lecture. She did that on behalf of Stichting …

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New Satel communication bundles slash communication costs on Saba (correction)

Correction: In the first version of this post the columns “Upload” and “Download” speeds had been interchanged. The information is now correct. Satel NV introduces new bundled telephone/internet packages that offer great cost reductions to its Saba clients. The new packages include  more calling options like International dialing and *FREE* local dialing. …

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Saba starts preparations for big harbour project

Preparations have started for what will be Saba’s larg­est infrastructural project ever: the expansion of the harbour at Fort Bay that in­cludes the construction of a second, larger pier. A so-called sub-soil study, which entails the testing of the sea floor in the direct vicinity of the new pier, is …

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Saba keeps working on better accessibility

The Saba Government keeps looking at ways to increase access to the island by sea and air. Not an easy task with the high airfares, the dependability on hurri­cane-hit St. Maarten and to a certain extent the re­luctance to cater to Saba’s wishes and needs. Accessibility to Saba is a …

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Saba meets understanding for its issues in The Hague

Saba Commissioner Bruce Zagers looks back at a very successful visit to the Netherlands. During the two weeks, Zagers and his small delegation, were able to table Saba’s issues and concerns at the various ministries in The Hague. “There is comprehension for Saba’s issues. It is a new, positive environment …

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Saba steps up efforts as a green destination

Saba is continuing its efforts to become an even greener eco-tourism destination. The agreement that Saba Commissioner Bruce Zagers signed with Green Destinations certification agency in the Netherlands on Thursday serves to confirm that objective. Some three years ago, Saba won a Green Destinations silver award, and now it wants to …

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Saba Represented at Heineken Regatta

This week, representatives from Saba’s tourism team are attending the 38th Annual Heineken Regatta at Port de Plaisance. Saba’s booth in the Regatta Village opened on the first registration day, February 27th and will remain open until March 4th. The representatives will be promoting Saba not only to the sailors …

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Rijksdienst Caribisch Nederland -RCN- has renewed its website

On March 1st the Rijksdienst Caribisch Nederland officially launches its new website. You can access this online platform for all relevant information about the services and departments of RCN. You will also find the latest news, vacancies and more information about working at the government. Online visitors can easily find …

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The Deposito Guarantee System of the DNB on the BES Islands

Since October 2017, money held in bank accounts by residents of Bonaire, St Eustatius and Saba is protected up to USD 10,000 per person, per bank. De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB), responsible for managing the deposit guarantee for the Caribbean Netherlands, considers it important that residents are aware of the existence …

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Saba delegation meets Dutch Parliamentarians

The Saba del­egation led by Commissioner Bruce Zagers met with several members of the First and Sec­ond Chambers of the Dutch Par­liament last week. The meetings were deemed constructive and inspiring. The Saba delegation met with members of the First Cham­ber’s Permanent Committee for Kingdom Relations and with members of …

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Commissioner Wilson makes plea for more cooperation in Caribbean

Commissioner Ro­lando Wilson was among representatives of the Dutch Overseas Coun­tries and Territories OCTs of the European Union (EU), discussing OCTs future after 2020 with Eu­ropean Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development Neven Mimica. On behalf of OCT, Saba Commissioner Wilson made a passionate plea for more regional coop­eration in the …

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