Thursday , September 19 2024

Saba News Archive: News Items

Culling of stray goats on Saba starts

Stray goats are a problem on Saba. Reason for the Public Entity Saba to take action by starting a culling (controlled eradication) program to tackle vegetation loss, erosion and the damage to people’s private property. The course of action consists of two parts, a small-scale approach that focuses on inhabited …

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A cleaner Saba with island-wide Keep Saba Clean campaign

Saba has engaged in a large, four-week island-wide clean-up campaign ‘Keep Saba Clean’ which started on June 21 and runs until July 13. Armed with garbage bags and gloves to protect their hands, groups of volunteers have been cleaning in and near the villages for the past two Fridays and …

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Caribbean Netherlands Sector Consultation on Saba

The Caribbean Netherlands Sector Consultation, a meeting that takes place three times a year between the Dutch Government as employer and the labor unions representing the National Government Department RCN employees, was held on Saba on Monday, July 1. Representatives of RCN, the Ministry of Justice and Security (J&V), the …

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Police report of Saturday June 29th 2019

On Saturday, June 29th , the police station was notified of a unilateral collision on the Spring Bay Road on Saba. A car crashed head-on against a tree and then crashed because it drove over a boulder. The driver was thrown out of the car and ended up under the …

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CFT says Saba has its finances in order

The Committee for Financial Supervision CFT for Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba has said that Saba has its finances in order. The Committee spoke with the Executive and Island Coun­cils about the 2018 financial statements, the implementa­tion of the 2019 budget and about financial management. Saba has prepared the 2018 …

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Nobody should get sick from work

On July 1st, 2019 The Occupational Safety Decree IV Caribbean Netherlands (‘Arbeidsveiligheidsbesluit IV Caribisch Nederland’) entered into force. This decree sets rules for work in the diving sector, working with asbestos and physical strain. This is in the interest of healthy and safe working conditions in the Caribbean Netherlands. Everyone …

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Temporary subsidy scheme launched to prevent robberies

On July 1st, Schadefonds Geweldsmisdrijven launches a temporary subsidy scheme for preventative measures to reduce robberies on houses or companies. The Schadefonds provides this subsidy on behalf of the Ministry of Justice and Security (JenV). Research has shown that persons or companies that have been robbed and who do not …

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Kralendijk Pension Fund Caribbean Netherlands (PCN) closed the year 2018 off with a good result. The coverage ratio of the fund, which reflects the ratio between the liabilities and the available assets, amounted to 111.5%. PCN experienced a strong recovery in 2018, after the fund was forced to implement a …

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Mostly working parents in the Caribbean Netherlands

In 2018, most of the children living at home in the Caribbean Netherlands had working parents. Of the nearly 5.2 thousand children up to the age of 25 living at home on Bonaire, St Eustatius and Saba, 92 percent have at least one working parent. This is reported by Statistics …

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“Saba Package” signed (updated)

Dutch State Secretary of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations Raymond Knops and Saba Commissioner Bruce Zagers signed the Saba Package, a comprehensive administrative agreement to further Saba’s development, at the end of a meeting with the other Caribbean Netherlands islands and the Netherlands in St. Eustatius on Thursday. The agreement …

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DCNA: At least ten reef-associated shark species in the Dutch Caribbean

Wageningen Marine Research reported ten reef-associated shark species in the Dutch Caribbean in a recent published study as part of Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance (DCNA)’s Save Our Sharks Project. The most common species are the nurse shark and the Caribbean reef shark. Overall, more sharks were observed in conservation areas …

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Additional funds for improvement childcare Caribbean Netherlands

Effective from next year the cabinet will dedicate more funds to the improvement of childcare and pre- and after-school facilities in the Caribbean Netherlands. From 2020, 9.8 million Euro’s will be available annually for childcare. With the funds the costs paid by parents for the care can be reduced and …

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